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Let me say from the outside, that a bit of PEavey equipment has never ever let me down. There's been lots of it too.
Peavey Century Head, SP3 PA cabs, HP400 cabs (like Hisys 4 only a bit older), Pair of CS800s, CS1200, UL115 Sub, 1012 Impulse top mids, my last TNT130 and my current 410tx (thanks Jose).

Not a bit of it has ever done anything other than perform as required when required.

You do get the impression that although there are shed loads of us who really really respect it, few of us truly actually love it. I'm sure you know what I mean here. Many of us bought Peavey stuff because it's what we could afford, not because it's what we actually truly wanted.

It's funny how exactly such circumstances led me to the 410tx mentioned above. Not quite what I actually wanted, but the right price and being Peavey, it'll never break - obviously. (Goes without saying.)

Waht a truly ace little cabinet. I say little, but anyone who's ever lifted one knows I don't mean with regard to the weight of the thing, but a fairly diminutive 4x10 but with such a lovely sound. Plenty of bottom end grunt and more top than you could ever need, thankfully with a trim pot to keep your upper noodlings out of guitarist territory. Really, just a great sounding cab, as the rest of the band stated the instant I played the Trace head through it. It reproduced all it's input faithfully. All I need or want in a cab.
Such a great cab that if I should find myself being offered another or a 115bx in the future, I might just go for it if I'm sufficently flush.

Anyway, as also seems to be the norm, mine came to me sans Peavey badge. It's truly astonishing that Peavey make bomb proof kit, but when it comes to these cabs there seems to be something about them that makes the badge fall off.

Prior to the gig last week where it was due to do it's stuff underneath my Trace AH150 (we're in a settled and loving relationship, thanks for asking) I felt the urge to add a badge to the Peavey.
Clearly I still suffer from the aforementioned badge snobbery if my badge making choice is anything to go by. I promise, it's not permanent and will be removed toute de suite.

It's justabitta fun.


Ha ha, like it.
In our band I have 2 x Peavey basses, 1 x Peavey 1x15 cab, PA = 2 x Peavey 2x15 cabs, 2 x Peavey 1x18 cabs, 2 x Peavey 1x15 cabs [all subs/bass cabs]. Top cabs = 6 x Peavey 1x15 cabs with various horns, ohmage and crossover configurations.
I've also had Peavey Century and Megabass heads in the past.


I've got no problem with Peavey stuff. My first gigging rig (non combo) was a DeltaBass head and
4x10. It was cool,just really big and heavy.
Peavey make good,working gear. Their US made Cirrus basses are as good as a lot of 'boutique'


I had a bombproof TNT combo with a BW..and it did a good job at the time.
I have better kit now, IMO...so I don't use use PV anymore.

Thats about it..nothing more than that.


Never uderstood it myself, Peavey make good sounding, reliable, good value gear. Only problem I`ve ever found with Peavey is the weight of their gear.


I kind of want some Peavey stuff in my setup, but it has got to the point just about everything I have is better. The Max preamp and the IPR power amp are still sat in the making a whole new rig I don't need area though.


I had a TNT too, the only issues were the weight and it could not keep up with a Marshall half stack, the volume issue is less important to me these days but the weight is more of an issue than it was back then. Great sound a TNT and Stingray IMO :)


Had Peavey bass combo from 1983 to 2009. Never failed :) Really like my Tour 700 with Barefaced Big One, only downside is that it does not seem loud enough... pardon :)


I've has quite a lot of Peavey PA gear, but never had any bass gear (my bro still swears by Peavey cabs for PA). I think there's nowt wrong with the badge & I'd happily have a peavey sub sat underneath my MarkBass (with a Black Widow driver :) ).
More reliable than an Ampeg! :)


Peavey make some great power amps, their Class D stuff produced in the mid 80's was way ahead of its time.

I'll agree about the weight issue for cabs and combos. I wanted very much to like their instruments as they're well designed but I have never been happy with their pickups.


I had two Peavey 4x10s in my rig many years ago. They sounded fantastic but, oh my god... they weighed more than Belgium.

Posted (edited)

I had a fair few Peavey cabs in my time and it was all decent kit (bar the Mega Cab - didn't get along with that at all), but the Mk IV and 2x15 I used at a gig definitely fell in the 'love it' category. If it wasn't for the size of the thing I'd be using one right now.

I've got a friend who's rebadged his Peavey cab - with the Armani logo. :) He thought he was being ironic until he overheard another band commenting "That flash git's got an Armani cab". :)

Edited by Musky

I have a early 90's Peavey Megabass head that I use as a poweramp for a VT pedal. It's heavy and on the way into the rehearsal hall last night it fell out the bottom of the reinforced cardboard box I carry it in.
It fell straight onto a concrete path from chest height where it bounced and span a time or two. "sh*t!" my fellow bandy's said, "that's the end of that".
"Don't panic" I reassured them, "It's a old Peavey" and I plugged it in and off it went. I was never was in doubt. I've had it for 20 years and it's taken worse hits . I don't call it my Peavey head though. I'm attached to it and call it Jonah Lumo.


[quote name='Rich' timestamp='1319840577' post='1419335']
I had two Peavey 4x10s in my rig many years ago. They sounded fantastic but, oh my god... they weighed more than Belgium.

yeah. I remember when I had my first proper rig, which was a Laney 300w head with a Laney 4x10 and 1x15. I thought I was in heaven till i upgraded to peavey 410tx cabs - really felt like a massive step up. I preferred them in AB with SWR cabs. Weighed an absolute ton. In fact I retained one TX until recently and only got rid when I got my Barefaced set up. No antiPeavey snobbery from me.


There's a battered old 410tx in a rehearsal room I used to use, looks like it's seen active service in Afghanistan and weighs a ton but sounds absolutely like a top end expensive cab with my equally battered old Hartke 3500. Respect!


I have never used their amps, but the cab I used at a gig once was very close to as good as my markbass 4x10. And I will probably never buy another bass that isn't made by Peavey :)


As I think I said previously, it's a 410tx I'm using right now and it's completely blown me away in what it does.
Yeah, it's a bit heavy, but we carry a 2.4KW Logic pa and marshall stacks about with us. A bass cab makes little difference.

If I'm being honest, another 410tx ?
That would be sweet.


I have a PJB24B and guess what I use to power it...

Preamp stage of a MkVI XP into a Peavey 1200 Poweramp bridged so I get 1200W... better sound for me than a Demeter pre through a QSC 1804

go figure

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