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[quote name='BurritoBass' timestamp='1320594634' post='1428711']We signed an Indie deal at the start of the year and our album came out a couple of months ago to some favourable reviews in the National Press)[/quote]

Point me to where I can have a listen please


[quote name='lojo' timestamp='1320595097' post='1428726']
Point me to where I can have a listen please
Tim's a modest guy, so I'll do it for him.
Try here - [url="http://www.amazon.co.uk/Every-Dirty-Mirror-Case-Hardin/dp/B005J4NY3W"]http://www.amazon.co.uk/Every-Dirty-Mirror-Case-Hardin/dp/B005J4NY3W[/url]

Well worth your time to check it out.


Horrendous start to the year, my wife left me. Never felt so low in my life, but........thinks are turning around, new house, on my own, without the nagging, and I see plenty of the kids, so not too bad in the end. Basswise, very poor. A few gigs, but band politics are getting in the way, and sometimes we can go a month without playing at all.

I need some inspiration. I don't even come on here much anymore, I'm just all bassed out at the moment. On the plus side, I've stuck with the Two Stingrays virtually GAS free now for a few months, so gearwise I'm ok. I [i]WAS [/i]really looking forward to Bassday in Manc this year, but it's my weekend with the kids, and that means a lot more than looking at more gear I can't afford. Wish I could've seen Marcus though :).

Looking forward to Christmas, and a more prosperous 2012 hopefully.


As a rule I'm not massively bothered about gigging - I've done hundreds over the years some really great most OK etc - and as I have an alternate career of sorts for me playing live is about quality not quantity so this year has been great from that point of view as I've been working with some phenomenal players and playing some fantastic venues in London, really classy clubs like the new Hideaway in Streatham which I've done 5 times this year, and then the Pizza Express Jazz Club on Dean Street - which is very prestigious and the 9-piece jazz funk band I play with really rose to the occasion and got an amazing reception, and played a blinder.

I'm also finishing off an album with a singer, I've written and produced a few of the tracks which has been great - it should be out next year - I'll let you all know when it's done but it'll be on a proper label etc so that groovy. But I'm going to be a dad again as of January so I'm playing my last gig before that on Sat 12 Nov, Spice Of Life London - as part of London Jazz Fest - as of January I won't be going out for a while :)

Posted (edited)

Pretty ok year for me, the best thing was finding out (and still it taken way too long!!) about Joe Hubbard's private online bass lessons - he's just top guy, when it comes to tuition.
First half of the year wasnt really good, I havent had any gig for that time, but in the summer, I was hired to sit in a TV-shows band, so we're now gonna be busy as f***, doing shows like "The Voice" and Major TV events, like annual Christmas Eve gigs, and such.

Looking forward to 2012!


Edited by Faithless

Pants year bass wise. I've a few plans for summer 2012 once the exams are done. Work wise I've seen the light. Got a tonne for 20 minutes work with a guitar at a wedding ceremony over the weekend. Easy money!
(I must drag up the thread from earlier this year re a similar topic. AFAIR a lot of people were expecting a slow year. I think Pete or OTPJ started it)

Posted (edited)

Played something like 15 gigs with 1 band, we've just released our first single on friday and everyone seems to be loving it so far (Although no sale as its not on iTunes and crap like that yet). Planned out many other bands with friends, only one of which has actually done anything and we're just getting another vocalist (Who some of you who saw my post on the soundcloud thread may recognise) who is incredible, just need another guitarist so we can start rehearsing properly and gigging.

Not bad for a 16 year old kid eh?


Edited by LiamPodmore

Workwise beginning to finally settle in to the new job I started the year before though some of the internal politics is still wearing. Gigging wise very quiet due to me being between bands for most of this year, joined a new one around September, only one gig to date but others now booked for Dec this year ad Jan and Feb next year so far. They lost all contacts from the previous incarnation of the band so it's a hard slog getting venues to book us from scratch, no demo recorded yet. First time in a trio, bit scary but getting there. Recently approached by a band doing original material with potential for work abroad including America but I'll have to turn it down as my day job just wouldn't allow that amount of time away in a single block. Frankly I think they are bit delusional but that's how it was presented to me so I just had to tell them I probably wasn't what they really need. Shame as the material is quite interesting in parts.


There do seem to be a lot less venues to play as each year passes. The few remaining pubs that have live music in my area still pull a few in, but more and more pubs can't afford a band any more.

I was talking to the landlord of one place a couple of days ago, who was hoping we might get minimum alchohol prices like Scotland are introducing. His opinion was that booze from supermarkets is so cheap that no-one goes out any more. I suppose you'll always get your hard-core live music fans who will still go out of their way to see bands, but your average Joe Public won't - not when he can sit at home watching X Factor & drinking beer a fraction of pub prices.


[quote name='Norris' timestamp='1320670914' post='1429661']
There do seem to be a lot less venues to play as each year passes. The few remaining pubs that have live music in my area still pull a few in, but more and more pubs can't afford a band any more.

I was talking to the landlord of one place a couple of days ago, who was hoping we might get minimum alchohol prices like Scotland are introducing. His opinion was that booze from supermarkets is so cheap that no-one goes out any more. I suppose you'll always get your hard-core live music fans who will still go out of their way to see bands, but your average Joe Public won't - not when he can sit at home watching X Factor & drinking beer a fraction of pub prices.

Aye, its heading that way too over here. IMO however its up to the band to pull the crowd and not depend on/blame the cost of beer. Bands have to assume some of the responsibility for low numbers at shows.


Gig wise not too bad. Covers band has done 32 so far including 2 corporate gigs and our first wedding. We're going to push the corporate / wedding thing as the pub scene is struggling a little. I totally understand the pub situation as landlords are being squeezed hard by recession and supermarket drink prices. We just feel we need to spread our net far and wide (and sell our souls) to get mass appeal. Luckily we all play cos we love it and love entertaining and this is really helping keep us busy.

Personal life has been very mixed. Got married in April (that's a +ve btw) then returned from honeymoon to find I was being made redundant. Worked self employed (cabinet maker) building kitchens etc and also as a BFM builder. The BFM thing was a nightmare. I spent hours and hours replying to emails every night but very little came in work wise until I started posting on DJ forums. Ended up building tons of subs but little else. Then last week got offered a job with a competitor of my old company which was also a big step up money / responsibility wise. I start next week. So I now have a beautiful wife, a better job and being unemployed has really helped me see how lucky I am.


Playing in at church every Sunday (sometimes 2 services a day) for the whole year, a couple of band gigs. In conclusion, I would have loved to do more stuff outside the church environment but the band had issues (drummer moved back to Bristol, typical) so its back to the drawing board.
I would like to step up on double bass and the theory in the New Year, thats my resolution.


I only started playing 6 rehearsals ago with a new classic rock band after 18yrs away from it all.
Met these guys through "Join my Band" and all working out pretty good so far.
Hope to start gigging early next year all going well.
Must admit I'm enjoying playing more this time around. Not 100% sure why. ?


Posted (edited)

My band was unable to play all last year because our drummer was too busy with another band - we're all best mates so it wasn't a case of just replacing him and we coudln't get a permanent dep/deps. We finally agreed to go our own ways and then our guitarist decided we were going to have to play covers (why, I have no idea). After a half-hearted attempt to go along with this, we realised it wasn't going to work and he left too. The band is now defunct, after several years, which is difficult in some ways. But to be honest, the death of my band has been a minor issue compared to the torrent of crap that the past few years have been. So, 2011, good year? No. 2010? No. 2009? No. 2008? No. Get me back to'88 and you're talking...

Edited by 4000

Ok scheduled to be 45 with 4 cancellations and 4 with another band. One of our regular venues fell foul of noise regulations. Pubs are definately quieter and I reckon we've played 5 or 6 gigs where there's no way they've made money from the evening.

I suspect next year will be not as good though.

Worrying times methinks


[quote name='4000' timestamp='1320759324' post='1430898']
My band was unable to play all last year because our drummer was too busy with another band - we're all best mates so it wasn't a case of just replacing him and we coudln't get a permanent dep/deps. We finally agreed to go our own ways and then our guitarist decided we were going to have to play covers (why, I have no idea). After a half-hearted attempt to go along with this, we realised it wasn't going to work and he left too. The band is now defunct, after several years, which is difficult in some ways. But to be honest, the death of my band has been a minor issue compared to the torrent of crap that the past few years have been. So, 2011, good year? No. 2010? No. 2009? No. 2008? No. Get me back to'88 and you're talking...

Sorry to hear about that. Sounds like a great opportunity to start something all your own?


The London Bass Guitar Show was the highlight for me eventwise, really enjoyed catching up with some old friends and spending the whole day absorbed in bass, seeing Mark King was great (although I'm not a fan) and randomly chatting to TM Stevens was very cool.

Not been in any bands just had a couple of practises/auditions for deps and bands that never happened, no hard feelings.

Gearwise I spent a whole 6 hours at Bass Direct in June deciding what to do with my Overwater Progress ! It went byebye in place of the G&L L2000 and 'Tanglewater' Contemporary J. They're still here !

Decided to skip BassDay due to what I consider a backwards move in the venue and capacity and increased ticket costs.

Posted (edited)

mine was sh*t. Bands? forget it mate.

[quote name='4000' timestamp='1320759324' post='1430898']So, 2011, good year? No. 2010? No. 2009? No. 2008? No. Get me back to'88 and you're talking...

+1. Well, sort of. For me, every year has been pretty much downhill since the turn of the century...

Edited by EdwardHimself

Odd year. Over the summer the landlord of a pub we've had regular gigs from for over 2 years announced he was giving up the trade and was canceling the bands he'd booked for the rest of the year. However, we've since found out he's still in business and other bands are playing there, so it seems like that was just an excuse to dump us. Rather a lousy end to a previously good relationship.

Since then we've added two new regular venues and hooked up with a booking agent, so it's on the up again.


This year has been crap.

I can't believe how long - how hard! - it can be to find a decent singer.

I think the patience will pay off. Saturday rewarded me with a good singer nailing the audition, and coming up with a few new ideas to boot - so, if 2011 was on the downside, we should see some upside in early 2012.

And there's nothing like getting a good start to a year :)


I'm afraid I'm going with the flow here - no great for me either!

Having spent the last 18 months gigging most weekends, I began the year a bit miffed with the whole thing. Band politics, car vandalised twice at gigs in '10, etc.

Band was going nowhere - so in February I chucked it in. Wanted a small break to get back into playing again, rather than just going through the motions. Took 3 months away from bands. Enjoyed it!

Eventually joined a covers band....still with them now. Have also recently joined an originals band which is proving great fun.

Gig-wise, I've managed a couple so far, and one more to come for sure. Both bands looking for a busier 2012. TBH, I started the year wanting to be more satisfied musically than racking up gig numbers than I have in recent times, so I call that a success.

Other side wasn't so good, with job problems and a bit of sadness in the family. I lost my dog in February, and that kind of set the tone for the year for me, I really miss my pal.

Biggest thing in my playing was my conversion to Fender. After a good few year playing Rics, I finally got to see the Precision light. Rics all gone, and two P's in their place....so at least I've finally found my bass voice, and my true tone!

Posted (edited)

[quote name='rOB' timestamp='1320762450' post='1430991']
Sorry to hear about that. Sounds like a great opportunity to start something all your own?

It would be, but I'm so far out of the loop the dreaded stagefright is back with a vengeance, I don't drive (no, I don't know how I managed to get away with that either!), my back is worse again.....yadda yadda yadda. Still, did bump into an old mate who's a drummer the other day so you never know. To be honest if the rest of my life picked up I could live with it, but my band was kind of the fingernails holding onto the edge of the building...

Edited by 4000

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