Breakfast Posted May 16, 2007 Posted May 16, 2007 So like any good soap opera I figured that the new site might need a bit of history from the posts that might not have been transferred, but we're too apathetic to copy over- something to set the scene maybe, like this: Breakfast, having played bass for [url=""]Sequoia[/url] for the last three and a half years- recording an excellent album and playing many gigs including one at the Clothes Show Live and one in Toronto for Canadian Music Week, has decided to quit the band and have some free time again, choosing the moment that international fame and fortune finally started to beckon to do it. Numpty. He has a lot of experience of playing bass over many years (without actually becoming discernably good) is influenced by players such as Rick Kemp (of Steeleye Span), Nick Seymour and Mowf (of the little known Eden Burning) and his favourite album is [i]The Decline Of British Sea Power[/i]. Often seen playing a Patrick Eggle New York IV, A korean thru-neck Spector and trying to sell a rather delightful Semi-acoustic Lakland Skyline in sparkly red. Quote
Spikyhedgehog Posted May 16, 2007 Posted May 16, 2007 Spikyhedgehog, buys far to much equipment to compensate for the fact that he can't play. Likes being able to drown out whole band to get thier attention. Seen lovingly playing his Warwick Stage 1 at all times, through various large amplifiers. I also ski alot. Quote
JPJ Posted May 16, 2007 Posted May 16, 2007 JPJ, talentless geordie numpty, who after playing bass for twenty-nine years still has nothing to show for it other than a huge pile of receipts from his frequent bouts of GAS. Can be seen playing a Fender Jazz DLX V fitted with an East J-Retro and hopefully soon, a custom P bass V thing [attachment=6:Jazz_5_F..._Frontal.jpg] [attachment=7:P_Hamm_V___Full.jpg] through an SWR750X with either a Schroeder 21012 or Goliath III + SoB No regular gig, dep of choice to one or two bands on NE cover band circuit, generally considered to be dangerous and not to be approached by members of the public. Quote
setekh Posted May 16, 2007 Posted May 16, 2007 setekh...professional lurker addicted to bass porn (hey, thats why they invented therapy!) is sometimes seen holding a lovely Hohner...dont know about playing though Quote
bass_ferret Posted May 16, 2007 Posted May 16, 2007 playing bass for 28 years or so, using these at the moment. [attachment=11:basses.JPG] Quote
wmsheep Posted May 17, 2007 Posted May 17, 2007 WMSheep - a drifter through life. Played Double bass for a number of years before giving it up when he realised that it wouldnt fit into his first car without removing the roof. Now aged 40 something, he has decided to try to relive his lost gigging years by taking up the bass again, this time moving from something vertical to something horizontal. Currently waiting to get a job to pay for his first bass. Believes himself to be a major Deity, as all he ever hears down the pub on his arrival is "Oh God, not you again!!" Likes other people to buy the beer. Quote
Paul Cooke Posted May 17, 2007 Posted May 17, 2007 Paul Cooke playing Bass enthusiastically, but not very well so far... have been trying now for 8 months after a 30 year gap. I used to play in a punk band, but back then I didn't know what I was doing and just played the notes I was told to play... hard and fast... Quote
warwickhunt Posted May 17, 2007 Posted May 17, 2007 John. Another Geordie. Still playing the same basslines that I learned 27 years ago (well they were a couple of good ones after all) and see no sense in learning a new one Still collecting/refining my taste in Warwick's since my first one... years ago. So if I can help anyone with anything Warwick related (especially earlier NTs) I'll try and if you have a spare one give me a shout! Quote
Mobius Posted May 17, 2007 Posted May 17, 2007 Chris - poor student just finishing first year of a computer science degree, plays a 5 string mex jazz and also has a Michael Kelly 5 string acoustic which doesn't see much use, Laney rig, various pedals...'Plays' in 3 different bands, but none of them are doing anything much (the 3rd one still doesn't have a name...). Which is a bit frustrating, but hopefully over summer things will get back into gear. Been playing for nearly 4 years now but I'm still a bit crap...oh well. Quote
wateroftyne Posted May 17, 2007 Posted May 17, 2007 WoT... another talentless Geordie numpty, addicted to crusty old Fenders. Quote
neepheid Posted May 17, 2007 Posted May 17, 2007 neepheid (neep-heed) n. A wanabee bass player who bought an Epi EB-3 'because it looked pretty and Jack Bruce played one (well, a real one)' one day in a fit of impetuousness. Tried it out in the shop by playing The Stranglers, "Peaches", bought it, took it home then broke it a week later by standing up from sitting while standing on the lead. The lacquer bears the cracks to this day. Bass played with on and off for several years, but remained in the bag for probably 51 of 52 weeks in a year. Now spurred on by a musical girlfriend (studies music at uni, sings and plays sax in 2 bands, sings classical stuff in 2 ensembles) who claims he is better than he thinks he is, he plays most evenings, mostly just with the gf but is making tentative moves towards a public performance at a charity gig at the end of next month. Entertains fanciful ideas of being some kind of luthier. Completed first custom build this month. Quote
Veils Posted May 17, 2007 Posted May 17, 2007 psn - moody, vitriolic, grumpy metal 'ed with a sense of humour that nobody finds funny. If left in one place for too long, begins to smell slightly musty. Cannot find a rig he is happy with for love nor friggin money, but is doing OK with his new Ray........... Has also recently discovered a deep hatred for stainless steel strings, Beef and Tomato Pot Noodle, instant coffee, indie music, Lee Evans, stupid people and Korma. Quote
Kiwi Posted May 17, 2007 Posted May 17, 2007 Kiwi's musical career is remarkable for completely avoiding any band with any claims to credibility, coolness or talent. He's tried to compensate for his sense of personal inadequacy by dominating as many bass forums and telling as many outrageous lies as he can in order to attract attention to himself. He was introduced to Bassworld originally by Rich, who he later made a mod 3 years later because he only promotes his friends. He made millions out of sponsors on Bassworld and now lives in a 5 bedroom penthouse in a converted power station in Chiswick, and eats at Carluccio's most evenings on Chiswick High Road. He's also in a band with 12 female singers who can't seem to remain fully clothed in his presence. He has to leave gigs early less fights break out between the singers about who gets to go home with him. Kiwi's car is a McLaren F1 and only capable of taking three at most if he fits a small trailer on the back for his gear. Kiwi also took all those spam emails seriously, now has a permenantly viagra'd appendage the size of No.1 runway at Heathrow, made yet more millions on the stock market with those share tips and the only thing bigger than his manhood is his ego. This makes some people with slightly smaller but equally distended egos very jealous, but Kiwi doesn't care. Basschat now his and he will mould it into a monument to his own greatness before charging everyone only slightly less than Talkbass in subscription fees to use it. When he's got as many people paying for it as possible, he'll plaster it in ads anyway. Aahr ahaaaaar. Quote
Merton Posted May 17, 2007 Posted May 17, 2007 Merton - someone with not enough money and not enough talent but that doesn't stop me using up both Just got a nice shiney black Status Retroactive J, it's the dog's dangly bits. So, I play Status basses thru TE amplificators in a function band and an original pop/rock band and everyone wishes I didn't. [attachment=13:DSC00250.JPG] Quote
Russ Posted May 17, 2007 Posted May 17, 2007 Russ - thirtysomething ex-almost-rock star, quirky musical tastes, from Meshuggah to Mingus, bandless at present after old bandmates bailed after a bout of extreme manageritis[color="#FF0000"]*[/color], so I went off to live in America, and then Ireland... back in the UK now and in the process of getting back on the horse, so to speak. Quite happily playing Sei and Spector basses. Penchant for loads of silly effects pedals and unorthodox techniques. [size=1][color="#FF0000"]*[/color] manageritis - allergy to irritating and useless band managers. Can be known to come between bandmates and decrease motivational levels. [/size] Quote
Lenny B Posted May 17, 2007 Posted May 17, 2007 Len (lenny/basslaw) B - presently not as busy on bass as I used to be, but getting itchy fingers again. Currently loving my Jazz more than my Streamer. Is dangerously close to GAS. Quote
nash Posted May 17, 2007 Posted May 17, 2007 Nash - playing for 9 years, dreams too much about rigs and basses. currently GASsing for 70's p-bass and RD artist. i have a Sunn 300T and a marshall 8x10, this rig is monsterous. i also play in a blackened death metal band called Carrion of Vigrid - please check it out Quote
Josh Posted May 17, 2007 Posted May 17, 2007 Josh - Playing for about and a half years now, for the last 2 it's been all about finidng my tone and honing my technique and lately it's really been paying off, and one other major thing lately for the last 2 years, and thats I've been aaquainted with a certain aspect of bass playing, and thats grooooooooooove! Ohh and equipment wise I'm very very very happy with my Deluxe Usa Jazz 4, punchy as a baby chav. Quote
lowhand_mike Posted May 17, 2007 Posted May 17, 2007 lowhand_mike, serial addict of things i can't afford or do particularly well, used to play bass around 7 years ago and had been playing for 8 years, an unplanned return last year now sees me playing in a 60's-80's rock cover band playing stuff that up till last year i hadn't really heard before. Scary thing is i quite enjoy it. pleased we have a new home Quote
The Funk Posted May 17, 2007 Posted May 17, 2007 (edited) Funk, The: 27-year old bassist who spent the last 10 years of his life torn between music and doing something respectable. As a result, had an extended run of 9 years on and off in higher and professional education while he tried to keep from having to choose. Has recently found one foot on the bottom rung of each of the music and legal career ladders, finding gainful employment in a law firm and starting to play London's 'toilet circuit' with his Funk-Soul-Rock band, Foolish Earthlings. Has gotten over years of GAS by finally assembling and settling on a great rig... except the power amp and cabs could be lighter and more powerful... uh-oh! Footnote: 98% self-taught with no idea how to read tab, struggles with dots, and has a bad ear. Despite all this, has developed into a fairly funky bassist through a combination of listening to and playing with good people. Edited May 17, 2007 by The Funk Quote
Viajero Posted May 17, 2007 Posted May 17, 2007 Viajero: Born a geordie, like so many others here, but raised a Yorkshireman. Been living in the North-east again the past couple of years, but since September of last year I've lived in Spain, hance the name Viajero, meaning traveller. It's pronounced Be-a-[a sound like saying an h while clearing your throat]-air-oh. Coming back to Blighty soon. I've been playing gigs since I was 14 or so, which is a few years back now. I play electric bass though feel I probably ought to play upright. This is mainly because most of my gigs these days are jazz. Until I moved away, I was fairly active, with a couple of jazz combos and running a Big Band. When not playing bass I study languages and obsess about cricket. Quote
niceguyhomer Posted May 17, 2007 Posted May 17, 2007 (edited) niceguyhomer.... Played guitar since the early 60s. When my last guitar band split after 12 years together, the other guitarist joined another band that had no bassist so I sold a Tele, bought a Precision and a Trace combo. That was two years ago, I've done about 150 gigs on bass since and seem to have amused everyone with my many equipment changes in that time. I managed to blag my way into a fantastic soul band - and even though I'm not really 'into' the music, what the hell, life's short and every gig's a party. Edited May 17, 2007 by niceguyhomer Quote
beerdragon Posted May 17, 2007 Posted May 17, 2007 beerdragon. likes beer, Fenderbasses, and long walks in the country. preferably Italy. i;ve been playing bass since 1977 and my arms aching now, gave all up when i got married for um,, something. anyway looking forward to gigging again, among my other interests is joining bass forums which i seem to do every other week Quote
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