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Project ramblings


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Please bare with me while I try and translate my rambling ideas into something remotely followable.

Ive currently got a very botched original burns bison bass body. My plan is to get close to the original 1963 style ones that I love. Even tho the body is original the bridge has been replaced with a P bass looking High mass bridge. As such I cant find any bridge covers to fit over it…..However, even tho I cant find any to fit over it neither can I find any that resemble the original Bison shaped covers anyway, a kind of Semi Circular effort.

The closest ive found (or dreamed up) would be to take a standard Jazz bridge cover and (somehow) cut through it to ‘shorten’ it. Basically to chop it in half (just after the screw holes) to shorten the ‘tunnel’ as it were. Then I would have something remotely close to the shape I want….

Now also I would have to change the bridge to something more ‘normal’ size (maybe squire P bass bridge) so the modified cover would fit over it. As the cover would be on im not overly worried about their being a few screw holes in the body, as long as the cover DOES cover them.

So I guess my two questions are:-
[*]Would it be fairly easy to chop a Jazz cover in half?
[*]How easy is it to replace a bridge (i.e should I take that bit to a tech?)

Hope this makes sense, it does in my head but that really isn’t saying much.

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