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Posted (edited)

Went down to the factory today for the first time - probably my new favourite place in the world. The friendliest, most down-to-earth and honest people you'll ever meet. And their amps absolutely rock too.

Ordered something different:

Valve pre-amp similar to a GT200 but with a mid-range control and without the depth control - BUT: going into one of their brand new digital power-amps!
So: drive, treble, mid, bass, volume. Matamp valve growl. In a little(ish) box. 1x12 cab.

They've never made a hybrid before, but apparently it's something they've been talking about doing - if it sounds good they might even make it a model :)
These power-amps they've got their hands on are absolutely fantastic. I swear there are hidden valves in those things, they sound great!

Very excited :)

Edited by Ben Jamin

Ah it was this!
but it had disappeared!

Oh well! It's back now.

I still need to try a Matamp sometime :)


Very interesting development indeed, yes a cost would be useful, and also let us know how you get on with it.

Presumably it will be going into one of their standard boxes.

How powerful is the power amp?

Also, let us know about the 1x12, is it ported? What's it sound like.

So many questions!!

Posted (edited)

Well I managed to save up 1k for my 18th, and they're running with that at the moment for the head [b]and[/b] the cab - they're putting together a prototype for me to try out in a few weeks (there's a bit of a queue at the moment). I get the impression they'd normally ask for a bit more but they seemed pretty eager to make it. One thing you'll always get with these guys (other than great amps) is really good value. And yeah, they're hoping to fit it into one of their Minimat/Minirock(?) boxes!

In terms of the power-amp, they've got a 1000w, a 500w and a smaller one (can't remember the exact number) - but I think I'm getting the 500w one :)

Didn't get 'round to talking about the 1x12 much, other than I don't want a tweeter in it :o So we'll probably look into that more the next I'm there. Those cabs below the GT200 are both 1x12s and they sound great. Individually they're pretty punchy with plenty of lows and quite a surprising depth to them. The monster rig to the right is a 4x10 and a 1x18 - wired so that everything below 250hz goes to the 18, and everything above goes to the 10s. Sounds massive. Louds of bottom end but loads of clarity. And volume!

The Goatreich, you should definitely try out Matamp before you get a new Orange! It'll probably sound better, last longer and the customer service is second-to-none really. My brother had his combo 're-voiced' there after he got it built a few years ago now - for free, and it's never had a problem. You also know that's handbuilt from high-end components by a few engineers in West Yorkshire, whereas Orange stuff is made along with all the Ashdown etc. amps in the same factory in China. :)

Anyway, I feel like I'm over-advertising these guys, but it sounded very good yesterday :o
I'll update the thread when I get more news :)

Edited by Ben Jamin

[quote name='Mr. Foxen' timestamp='1322843399' post='1456606']
Funny, my Ashdowns were made by Matamp.

Jeff(?) was ranting about a couple of brands yesterday, I don't know much about it myself :)


[quote name='Ben Jamin' timestamp='1322844531' post='1456626']
Jeff(?) was ranting about a couple of brands yesterday, I don't know much about it myself :)

I don't think he gets on with Dave Green who left to join Ashdown/Hayden.


I'm glad you had a good trip to the factory. I'm very interested in how these hybrids turn out. My GT200 is fantastic, but very heavy. I also got 2X 212 cabs and they are awesome. Very solid and well built, TBH I only ever use one at a time. Have you considered which driver you're getting in the cab?


[quote name='billyapple' timestamp='1322867446' post='1456963']
I'm glad you had a good trip to the factory. I'm very interested in how these hybrids turn out. My GT200 is fantastic, but very heavy. I also got 2X 212 cabs and they are awesome. Very solid and well built, TBH I only ever use one at a time. Have you considered which driver you're getting in the cab?

Thanks, Hayden managed to put the GT200 pre through to one of the power-amps and it sounded great! Nice, if I had the money and the space for the GT200 I'd buy it in an heartbeat!
I haven't really no, most of the time was spent talking about the head - kind of neglected the cab part a bit! I don't know much when it comes to speakers but it'll be a Celestion-something I imagine, I think that's the stuff they normally use. :)


I'm pretty sure they fit Celestion neo's as standard, but I found them a little light-weight for my taste, and had ferrite Celestions fitted instead. They are heavier, but that should not be an issue with a 112 cab. They cost a bit more, but if you are having something made for you, you may as well consider the options, after all there might only be something like £20 in it. They also fit Eminence if requested, and they are more pricey. Ask them to explain the difference between neo and ferrite, the best choice depends on what you play, and your style of playing.



[quote name='quimbymeat' timestamp='1322909534' post='1457145']
If you have £1000 then save up another £500 and get the GT200 you will feel better

It's not just the money - I think the main reason I'm not after a GT200 (at the moment) is because of size and portability. I'd like something that I can carry (without breaking my back), with a little cab, along to a pub gig/acoustic cafe etc that will also do the bigger gigs too. I suppose if I had more money I'd buy the GT200 for the bigger stuff and a little amp for everything else, but I'm not particularly loaded :)
The GT200's pretty much the sound I want, and if they can get close to that in a smaller box for a bit less money then I'm more than happy :)
I'm guessing this is probably why small hybrid/digital amps are so popular at the moment.


[quote name='quimbymeat' timestamp='1322938038' post='1457584'] but good luck and i look forward to the photo's [/quote]

Thanks :)
I'll take it into the studio at school and get some recordings done too!


[quote name='Ben Jamin' timestamp='1322842630' post='1456585']
You also know that's handbuilt from high-end components by a few engineers in West Yorkshire, whereas Orange stuff is made along with all the Ashdown etc. amps in the same factory in China. :)


Not doubting the Matamps for one moment, (I'd like one myself) but, the main Orange amps (eg not the much cheaper but still excellent Terror series of amps) are built here in the UK along with the cabinets.

The Bass Terrors are phenomenal. They sell like mad for a reason: good quality, great LOUD tone, Orange grit, and exceptional value. Yes, they are not UK made, but if they were they would be £800 I guess.

Posted (edited)

[quote name='Musicman20' timestamp='1323041355' post='1458691']
Not doubting the Matamps for one moment, (I'd like one myself) but, the main Orange amps (eg not the much cheaper but still excellent Terror series of amps) are built here in the UK along with the cabinets.

The Bass Terrors are phenomenal. They sell like mad for a reason: good quality, great LOUD tone, Orange grit, and exceptional value. Yes, they are not UK made, but if they were they would be £800 I guess.

Oh I'm not having a go at Orange, they're great! I'm just saying in terms of reliability in components/build quality it's better to have a few expert engineers hand-build it than, in the case of some of the Orange stuff, have it mass-produced in a factory along with other brands/models etc. Not that there's anything wrong with them because they sound ace and nicely put together and stuff, but it's just nice to know where it all came from and feel that bit more confident in that it was really well built etc. :)

Edited by Ben Jamin

[quote name='longtimefred' timestamp='1323088935' post='1459038']
i have just arranged a visit to the Matamp factory next week :)

Im sold on one of these Class D jobs they are doing. Shall also be getting a 2x12 i think. Whoop for me! lol

Nice one! Had a go through a prototype for their digital amp and it sounded really good! :)

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