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Multiple bass projects - it is all Basschat's fault!


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Although I have always been a bit of a tinkerer... it rarely went beyond simple wiring modifications, switches etc, and only one at a time, with many months in between. And that's when I hat lots more time than I do now.

But since I found basschat, apart from fuelling many bass-related purchases, my modification madness has grown a whole lot.

With Xmas approaching, I decided that I should organise myself and finish all teh little bits and pieces that I am neglecting. I started writing it all down. The list scared me.

Anybody feeling the same way?

This is mine. Nothing is very major, but...

1) Red Squier Jazz, made in 1994, Korean (Cort factory according to serial number).
This is one of those where the bridge pickup is the same size as the neck pickup. Annoying when it comes to replacements... and it needs new pickups. It's a lovely bass, but the pickups are not good, and the electrics needed attention. So I have a set of Gotoh alnico pickups... but I need to enlarge the bridge pickup route.
- chisel pickup route. I started last night... it is easier than I expected, if you go slow. Results will not be amazing, but I just need to expand the edges so it will work out ok
- install pieckups and replace electronics.
- pickguard... use a tortoise-shell one I have, or the original with some vinyl covering in some interesting colour/pattern? The pickup route will need filing a bit.
- make the rosewood darker? nah, it's pretty as it is.

2) Natural Squier Vintage Modified Jazz.
- record clips with the original pickups.
- install DiMarzio Model J pickups. Record clips with new pickups.
- install J-Retro
This J Retro has been mounted on a black plate I had. I have just drilled the holes for the switches and enlarged the existing ones for the potentiometers... looking good;

3) Black MusicMan SUB5
- wire pickup. Original pickup... I have been trying otehr pickups... It had a ceramic Basslines when I bought it, and the original alnico pickup was included in the sale. I decided to go back to the original pickup. But then removed it and tried teh Basslines agains... and now back to the original. Still needs wiring. Yes, a 5min job but... still undone.
- darken fingerboard. I'm expecting some dark stain any minute now. The fingerboard is ok, but a bit uneven in colour. I think darken it would make it look great.

4) Sue Ryder P-bass.
This one will be heavily modified... MM pickup, SD preamp... I'm sending it to someone else to be done well (thread coming soon) but I still have to:
- power sand body a little bit (until now it was purely chemical stripper and wire wool)
- manual sanding to finish
- order pickguard material
- send away for the transformation

5) Fender Stratocaster, Classic Player series.
- replace pickguard. MInt green one looks a bit naff. I have an "aged white" one that will be better.
- need some attention to frets around 14-15th.
- currently a DiMarzio JB at the bridge... perhaps reinstall original.
- modify wiring so that bridge pickup has a tone controls, and mid&neck share the other tone.

6) Electronic drum kit
- input sockets on the amp need fixing: nuts came off and I need to remove chassis to have good access and fit them properly.
- then sell it, as I just can't find the time to play it

7) Stagg 5 string Stingray clone
- in pieces for sale, but not receiving much interest, so...
- assemble it, fit preamp etc myself.. enjoy it for a week and try to sell it again, as a finished product.

How much of this will get done... who knows. Not much, probably! :)


Edited by mcnach
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Well, tick #1 as done :)

and next to the next one to go:

The chiselling was going very well, and I got a bit complacent, so I ended up taking a chip off the finish on the bottom left corner around the bridge pickup... :)
Still, it's a small thing and I don't care much.
Those Gotoh pickups are sweet. I got them in the forum in a trade and had never tried them till now, glad I didn't sell them!
Black nylon tapewounds (D'Addario) sound great. Probably the less "flat-tapewoundy" string I have tried, but sweet nevertheless. Sound great with the tone rolled off entirely.

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Looking good so far.

Hopefully the ex-WPD, ex-Gafbass parts will be arriving soon and I will be able to re-assemble the P again, but with some MM growl to it this time. It can then sit alongside the ex-Gafbass Johnny Brooke J that I've had for 2 years and is still favourite.

I also have a late 80s/early 90s MIJ strat body & neck here, plus most of the parts required to rebuild it. However I'm struggling to decide what I really want to do, and as a result it's not getting started until there is a clear objective in mind.

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I`d just like to say thanks.
After reading your post I was sat there going through all my own unfinished projects in my head and suddenly realized that instead of reading about your unfinished stuff, I could go and do some of my own.
So I did.
i now have a rather nice black and maple Bitsa Jazz with black nylon flats to use as a gigging instrument rather than a heap of wood and crap stuck in a corner.
I now have more working instruments than unfinished projects.Result.

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[quote name='Monckyman' timestamp='1323650430' post='1465520']
I`d just like to say thanks.
After reading your post I was sat there going through all my own unfinished projects in my head and suddenly realized that instead of reading about your unfinished stuff, I could go and do some of my own.
So I did.
i now have a rather nice black and maple Bitsa Jazz with black nylon flats to use as a gigging instrument rather than a heap of wood and crap stuck in a corner.
I now have more working instruments than unfinished projects.Result.


But you know what they say... it does not exist unless there are pictures of it :)

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Hee hee, Know how your feeling mc....... erm....... nach :) . Thankfully my GAS is nicely staggered. As Im doing one the next one is in my head. I have a totally bespoke one in mind and a strange hankering for a Jag!! but the urge is subsiding at the mo. I came to BC with 2 and now have 11! I think Ive found an alternative and cheaper way of feeding the habit though. Its, shall we say, on a 'smaller scale'. Watch this space :) ...........

Nice stuff going on in the mcnach whittleshop though. You do have the holidays coming so should be productive and a way to burn off all those mincepies :)


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