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SF Jazz Collective 'Superstition' bass chart


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[quote name='Gareth Hughes' timestamp='1325602386' post='1484935']
Hey Bilbo - I can't seem to open the file on my Mac. First time I've come across an ipb file. Any ideas?

EDIT - Just found the file on the miguelzenon.com site. Thanks for this.

For anyone else with problems, I uploaded this as a pdf, it is the Basschat website that turned it into an ipb file. Don't know why it does it and I wish it would stop but it's not up to me! If anyone wants the pdf and can't get it off miguelzenon.com, PM me and I will send it by email (it is free on the website so assume there are no copyright concerns).

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[quote name='Gareth Hughes' timestamp='1325602386' post='1484935']
Hey Bilbo - I can't seem to open the file on my Mac. First time I've come across an ipb file. Any ideas?

EDIT - Just found the file on the miguelzenon.com site. Thanks for this.

If you on a mac, just change the name from filename.ipb to filename.pdf.

It will ask you which extension you want to keep, click pdf.

Then it will work :)

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