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I'm George from Uxbridge (in West London, near Heathrow).

I've been playing bass for about 7 years now, got into it through GCSE music, prior to that I played a bit of Acoustic guitar and did Piano for about 10 years - I've been playing with my mates since school, so again about 7 years.

We play a bit of everything, classic rock, metal, funk, prog, pop etc. and are looking to get back into playing live properly this year (used to gig a bit, but been out of practice for a couple of years!)

I play a Fender Aerodyne Jazz Bass, into a GK 700rbii head with an old Hughes and Kettner 410 cab, modified to take 4 pin speakon and wired to use the 2 way crossover the GK has.

I'm currently looking to downsize the rig a bit for smaller pubs, I don't really want to get a combo, but have been looking at either 210 or 112 cabs - any recommendations?

Any tips/hints/help/suggestions/anecdotes always welcome, as I said I'm looking to get back into it so anything is helpful!

Cheers for reading, and sorry for the life story lol

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I'm a late starter as a musician, and so far I've only played along to records at home. It's more of a therapeutic effect than any degree of ambition, but I do practise and strive to improve etc.
I always say that, if I could go back in time to when I was a teenager, I would re-live my life, for good and for bad, without any changes, except for one - I would start studying music and playing an instrument at an early age.

I'm in W4. Do you play in West London?
Last month I went to see Basschat's very own Happy Jack and MacDaddy with their band The Junkyard Dogs at the George in Chiswick High Road, and a jolly good evening it was. It's great to meet new musician friends this way.

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I'll have to look out for those guys - I work not far from there. Pm me next time you're going!

No we haven't played London, it was primarily bucks way (gerrards cross, Iver, Chalfont etc), but did a couple of open mikes at a place near ruislip.

I didn't initially choose music, but changed into it halfway through the first term and never looked back - it was always such a laugh, and I've stayed best mates with the people there ever since! It is definitely the best way to chill, especially after a stressful day - stick on some tunes and jam along!

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Cheers bud! I think it was your thread I posted in about your new singer, but where in bucks are you playing? Would be cool to come along and see you! I'll be sure to let you know when/where we're playing, although unless I organise it we probably won't be lol!

Edited by GeorgeH
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