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Good value bass for recording

Will Law

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Hi all, relatively new here and would appreciate some advice...

My beginners Westfield bass just broke at the nut and instead of fixing it (it was £80 anyway) I'm going to get something new. I'm mostly using it for recording and the style is sort of acoustic/60s pop sort of sound. I was looking at a Hofner Ignition at around £250 but hopefully there's something cheaper that's still good. Would something like the VIntage V4 bass give a decent enough tone that's suitable? I can get one second hand for £80. If not would you recommend anything else? Or should I get the Hofner...? Thanks!

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dunno, £200 will get you some amazing basses secondhand on here, and if you buy off someone who's been playing a while it will come with a better setup than your avarage shop bass.
But... it depends how much money you are throwing at recording sessions. My mate's band got some quite good recording sessions done (ie the record company were paying a lot of money for them) rather than take just the cheapish danelectro he played with live he borrowed my JV p bass. it sounded good!

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