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Hello all,

My band have just completed recording an Album and at some stage we would like to get it mastered.

We don't have a ton of spare cash, so I'm wondering if anyone has used anyone who is reasonably priced, who will also do a great job?



When we did our first single we got the guy at the studio to master it for an extra £25, and he did a brilliant job. I'm not sure if he'd do the same for something he hasn't recorded, but its worth a try. On our single (On the youtube link below) the bass is a little low, but that is more my own fault for not being there when we first heard it.


Definately worth checking out, for both recording and mastering, David is a brilliant guy, a rather good engineer/producer and had a really good input on the song itself.



I do audio mastering as a part of my day job and have mastered a number of songs, EP's & albums. If you do find someone make sure they understand the full importance of mastering and don't just have the mindset of 'making it louder'. Also it's not just about making the tracks sound better, they need to appreciate the importance of making the tracks sit well with each other sonically, the track order, fade ins/outs, the right ammount of time between each track, meta data etc.

What sort of budget do you have? I might be able to help out.

If you want I'd be happy to do a test master of a track for you to see if you like what I can do.

Drop me a PM if you're interested




Thanks for your responses so far guys.

Alex, we have a budget of about £200-£250 for 10 songs, and I've seen a few online masterings services that would be ok with that type of budget.

The songs are currently being edited and mixed, but I soon as they are finished Alex I'll drop you a pm.

Anyone else used any online mastering companies?


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