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Kramer Focus P Type Bass


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Here's my early 80's Kramer Focus 7000 up for sale.
I bought this a while back as a cheap way into all things P to see if I got on with the tone etc.
It turned to be an excellent Bass with the predictable quality of an 80's Japanese Bass.
I've since fitted a set of Squire JV pickups (yes those ones !) so it sounds pretty damn good.
I'm not sure of the body wood but it's not Ply, the neck is Maple with a Rosewood Board and It came with quality Schaller hardware as standard.
The bass is a dream to play, the neck is A1 perfect,fairly slim, 41mm at the nut with a 34mm string spacing. The fret work is top drawer, there all finished of very nicely. The body has pretty much zero issues,no chips or dings of any concequence in the paint at all. Excellent condition for a 20 odd year old bass.
It does have one issue in that the J humbucker and switches have had the wiring disconnected, read cut.... but half an hour with a soldering iron would sort it. It's desingned to be coil tapped...aparently.
Tonewise ,,,well it sounds just like a P with plenty of output from the JV Pickup. Does Motown, Reggae, Funk etc etc as you would expect. It's fitted with flats.
It's priced to sell at [b]£150[/b], pretty reasonable I think plus the shipping or collect from Preston. I'd be happy to meet up within reason and I welcome any trial etc etc. I paid £150 for it so with the addition of the JV pup it's a bargain. If it sells I'm 100% certain the buyer would be happy with it.
Check the web, thet get very favourable reviews.
Thanks for looking,

Edited by kennyrodg
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Bump and a bit more info,
I've been reliably informed that these were made by ESP so there you go, a good sign indeed.
I've A/B'd this with my MIJ Fender P and the Kramer comes out very favourably.
Fit and finish, fret work, neck pocket etc is better on the Kramer and the neck is more "Jazz" in profile.
Soundwise, well it's just down to the pickups I guess, there's not really anything in it at all. I guess If I swapped the pups each would sound like the other.
It plays very well, no buzz's and nice low action.

Edited by kennyrodg
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