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Ashdown Mag 300 EVO II Head. Tuner Output.


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Hi guys,

Just a quick question really. My amp, an Ashdown Mag 300 EVO II has a tuner output. How does the signal path work for this? By that I mean what leads go where and how do I plug it in. Is it Bass and Pedals into input and one jack from Tuner out into my Tuner?

Just wondering, thanks in advance!

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[quote name='ColinB' timestamp='1326480428' post='1497900']
Bass and tone pedals (i.e. graphic e/q, fuzz, wah etc) into the Input. Time based pedals (i.e. delay, chorus, phase etc) into the Effects Send and Return and your tuner into the Tuner/Line Output
Ah okay cheers. Should I put the jack from the Tuner Out into the Input, Output or Bypass on my Tuner? It's a Boss TU-2 if that helps at all...

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[quote name='Sparky Mark' timestamp='1326496606' post='1498203']
Just take a short (patch) lead out of the Tuner out socket into the input socket of your tuner pedal with no connections from the tuner output socket. I just stand my tuner on top of the amp.

Okay thanks! :)

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