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Very much what i am looking for in term of nuanced (though your mix is a little too compressed ;-)

Any tricks/methods/exercices for the picking you suggest?



ps you got me curious about the bass, pickup, electronics and string types? Can you feed us a bit of background? Piezo I presume...


Hey guys thanks for checking out the clip I posted up!

I just checked out guitar players... there's plenty of them ;)

I used economy picking during a lot of that recording although I can alternate pick too. If you're not sure what economy picking is check this out...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5yCxA4g-pDY

I like using economy because it sounds a little smoother and the accents fall in different places than when alternating.

The bass was an Overwater acoustic with a piezo, 33" scale and 16mm string spacing at the bridge. The strings are just regular electric strings.

There's a pic of the bass below for you... Ez, Scott


I've recently started learning to use a pick, Bobby Vega was a real eye opener and made me realise I could play my usual funky lines with a different sound.

I dug out all my funk and slap bass books and got stuck in with a pick. It quickly got me string skipping and thinking about where to use upstrokes and downstrokes, plus was much more fun than the usual regimented approach (although you'll probably benefit from some of that too).

For me it was important to get all the muted ghost notes right with a pick for that funky Bobby Vega sound, something you might not find in the technique books.

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