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Cheap-but-decent starter fretless. SOLD!


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Being between bands, I bought this to keep me out of mischief. Then, I joined a new band and I'm now up to my neck with learning new songs. Realistically, I'm not going to be playing this fretless, so I'd like to move it on to somebody who will appreciate it.

[color=#000000]It was originally put together by BC's Happy Jack (dancing spiderman avatar), and here's how he described it:[/color]

[color=#0000CD]Neck = Mighty Mite Precision fretless, ebanol board, "fret-end" markers added by luthier Andy Gibson (Denmark Street)

Tuners = Korean Hipshots from a Lakland Skyline

Body / Bridge / Scratchplate = Fender Squier Precision

Pickups & Wiring = P is a Duncan Design unit, J is a complete unknown, wiring by Andy Gibson

Knobs = John East P-Retro, so a pair of stacked knobs, in this case wired as V/T & V/T

Very nice little project, this was, and an ideal introduction to fretless bass. The "fret-end" markers are only really visible from above, i.e. by the player. Glance down as you play and you see frets, and play with confidence - what the audience sees is a plain, unlined fingerboard and they all think "[i]Why this man is a bass-playing God![/i]". Or something.[/color]

[color=#000000]Jack's right. The neck is a delight. I picked up the bass and was able to hit the notes pretty much spot on immediately. The body has some dings and scratches (nothing serious at all) and some missing screws. The pickups are occasionally a little noisy until you start playing, then the hum disappears. It comes with a basic gigbag and a completely unused "how to" book/CD. [/color]

[color=#000000]I'd like to recoup what I paid for it: £140, excluding courier costs.[/color]


Clearly, I'm useless at photography so Jack has very kindly given access to his original pictures - Thank you Jack. [url="http://s1128.photobucket.com/albums/m496/h4ppyjack/Bitsa%20Precision%20Fretless%202010%20SOLD/"]http://s1128.photobu...%202010%20SOLD/[/url]



Edited by solo4652
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