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hello, to all in bass chat land,

I did post this in the build diary but now I seen this forum so the other might not of been the right place? so I'll go here to just incase! lol

I very new here so I thought i'd introduce myself to you all, an say what a wonderful place this seems to be, I'm sad to say I have only just discovered it, on recommendation from one of your own, love the fact that it has so many dedicated forums so you don't have to go through lots of stuff to get to where you want, an on top of that every one seems very nice an very knowledgeable! wish I'd found it earlier!

Hopefully time permitting I'll be popping in quite a bit! my name is Heath, i'm 46, live in corby, northants an run 'Ruach Custom Bass Guitars' (pronounced : roo-aak) I would like to every now an then post up a pic or two of builds going through the workshop, if thats ok? It seems a good place to show what i'm doing an to get feed back, good or bad always nice to get a handle on what people like or current trends.

I started building basses after I left "totnes school of guitar making" around 7-8 years a go, I am a carpenter, joiner and cabinet maker by trade an love working with wood, I've been playing for around 27 years (crap, you think I'd be good by now, lol) and I guess the two had to join one day, so my love of bass and my love of wood has turned into a passion of building, and it is a passion! after 7 odd years I still get excited when I get the first bit of wood an make that first cut, the thrill of the build, the satisfaction at the end an the joy of hearing it play! I never want to just be putting out basses that look, sound an feel the same, I truly hope to push myself in my building till I stop building an hope that every build an with every customer I learn something new! I do believe you never stop learning, and I like to try something new each time!
I believe building is a journey of innovation, education and dedication!
I have a web site which is woefully out of date an I shall be updating that in the next few months.

so if no one tells me to bugger off i'll post a couple of pics in the build diary tonight.

Thanks for listening to my ramblings.
have a great day and be cool to all you happy slappers, finger thumpers an party pickers!



Hi Heath,
Welcome to the forum.
Nice website you've got.
Plenty of potential between Alpha and Omega ;)

Corby eh? The most southerly town in Scotland...

Posted (edited)

Hi Heath, glad to see you on here.

You might want to post in the Affiliates Market, that would be the best place. And you make jolly nice basses (for those as don't look in the ebay links, I've played one of Heath's Ruachs and it is a high quality instrument).

Edited by tauzero
Posted (edited)

lmao!! yes there is quite a few Scottish in corby! I've never seen so much iron-bru till I moved here, lol

Hay Mike, thanks mate, I'll give it a look! thank you very much!! your too kind! hope your having a good week!

Edited by harleyheath
Posted (edited)

Hi Heath..welcome aboard

I had a quick scoot around your site - the listing of woods is really interesting - can I suggest that you post photos of the various woods..there were some I hadn't seen (Pink Ivory sounds really interesting..)

Edited by TheGreek
  • 4 months later...
Posted (edited)

Hello TheGreek, sadly the web site woefully un-finished!! there is a clickable link to some pics, but thats one of the things im changing when it gets updated soon, they'll be a page of wood pics, and where an what they can be used for, its a bit messy at the mo, but thank you for your suggestion, if you have any more please pass them on as it really help me get it right as to what I need before I update it!
pink Ivory is lovely, rarely do you find it big enough for a facing but I have seen it, its very hard, dense and heavy and finishes lovely, I would say it's sounds a bit like ebony but brighter.
heres some finger boards, was described as rarer than diamonds, lol

Edited by harleyheath

Hi Heath and Welcome

Liked the site and must say you guitars look really nice, well impressed.

Pink Ivory, looks like it would be stunning on a fretboard, does it also have the toughness of Ebony? I assume it does by the description.

Posted (edited)

Hay yepmop, thanks for your welcome
Thank you very much! The web site is in serious need of an update, which should be happening sometime soon.
I have some pics of a new build in the 'affiliates' forum and some stuff on Facebook, if you fancy a look.
it would make a cracking fretboard, Ebony comes in at 915-1120 kg/cu.m depending on species and Pink Ivory comes in at 990-1060 kg/cu.m, so it not far off it weight an density but not quite as hard as a really good Ebony, but its hard, an a dam site hard than a lot of stuff used for fretboards! lol, still its not as brittle an more stable than Ebony.

Edited by harleyheath

Hey Heath,

Welcome to BC. You like basses then? I guess you'll fit right in.

I loved the perspective of the electrics:
Treble: [color=#ffffff].[/color]boost and cut
Mid: [color=#ffffff]....[/color] boost and cut
Bass:[color=#ffffff] ..[/color] [b]boost only[/b]

Nicely done! :)

Enjoy your stay!


Hay Clarke, thank you for your welcome :D it good to be here! Im loving the site, and the people!!
Bassstactor, oh I love the bass!!!! to me its the greatest sound an instrument can make an more versatile than anything else, its pure heaven!
lmao!! I cant take the credit for that but hell yh, there never a need to cut the bass! ever! lol, sorry did some one say turn down? I couldn't hear you over the sound of my bass awesomeness! lol :P
Hello SpaceChick, really, thank you so much!! and thank you, I have been made to feel very welcome, and thats lovely!
Hay Deb, well assaid the web site is poor at the mo, will be updated asap (money! :unsure: ) but have a look on here - http://www.facebook.com/ruachcustombass.guitars
theres more pics, and of course theres the pics in the 'affiliates and deals' section
thank you every body!
happy slapping!! :)

Posted (edited)

Hay Emanew, so sorry I just noticed I hadn't replied to your post! :blush:
thank you, again he site needs work but have a look around please, and if you want have a look on here too http://www.facebook.com/ruachcustombass.guitars
thanks again, happy plucking! :D

Edited by harleyheath
  • 4 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

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