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Impeadance question for a rookie Trace into Peavey Black Widow


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Just a simple question , if you know the answer!

My Trace GP7 SM300 7210H has an output for an additional speaker at 8 ohms to compliment the 2x 10" and horn.

....can I take this feed to my Peavey 15" black widow which is a 4 ohm speaker.....obviously I'll disconnect the Peavey amp from the BW speaker 1st!

as you may know I don't jack about ohms and I keep reading conflicting info'.

I'm not too sure if I like the sound of 2x10" having had the lovely deep, warm, creamy sound of 15"'s for so long, my Hartke was a 15" too. This Trace is new to me (had it for a few days now), bloody loud, built like a tank but a little [b](cliche alert!) [/b][u][i]hi-fi [/i][/u]for my tastes.... unless I have a lot of bass EQ'd up....sounds spectacular with the Stingray though.

cheers guys

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It sounds to me like the amp puts out it`s full power at 4 ohms, so you can either have the both the 210s in the Trace and another 8 ohm cab, or, disconnect the 2x10s (if possible), and use a solitary 4 ohm cab. But, if you`re going to lug both the TE, and the Peavey about, why not get an 8 ohm 115 cab to replace the Peavey, and have both connected.

Theres a Trace 115 here, for £100:


Or use both amps. Get a Boss TU2 Tuner, and connect up to both amps (and be in tune.

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I'd say no.

Your TE combo has an 8Ω speaker fitted and can drive a load down to 4Ω.

If you connect an 8Ω speaker to the extension socket then you get a 4Ω load and the amp will be happy.

If you add a 4Ω speaker to the extension socket then you get a 2.6Ω load and, in all likelihood, the aroma of lightly toasted electronics. :)

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