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Question to DBers using the GK MB200 amp


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Do those of you using this amp for DB plug in directly or via preamp? I know Keith (Mr_Bassman) plugs in directly.

I got my MB200 this week and with my set up (Planet Wing piezo, Wizzy 4 ohm cab) it sounds thin and scratchy with lots of finger noise when on flat settings and without going through my usual DB preamp. I am wondering if its just my pickup is not particularly compatible as I've heard nothing but praise from other DBers. I can of course use it with my preamp but its just that I've seen others (eg Keith) mention plugging in direct.

Fender '63 P - Wal Mk

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Got the Kolstein from Greg on Tuesday and took it to a gig that night.

Plugged the Planet into the MB200 + EpiUL110 and got a good sound but was fighting the feedback monster a bit.

(stayed up til 2am playing the bass after the gig)

Had a bit of spare time tonight so did a bit of experimenting.

Got an Upton Rev solo 11 out of my bits box and it fitted perfectly.

First thing I noticed was nice woody tone with no feedback.

Played through MB200 / Contra Ex, Genz Shuttle 38t, Bose Copact, and MB210 combo.and tried Plat Pro + Headway

They all sound good in the house but I can see a lot of trial and error ahead on gigs.

The Eminence has been so easy to get a usable sound but the Kolstein is far superior soundwise, it just needs taming!

So back to the MB200, it sounds great to me and other ears in the house have commented how natural it sounde.

Clarky, did you try it with the Wizzy 10?

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Thanks chaps.

Gareth: I will try the permutations you mentiomed at the weekend (I am abroad on biz now). I only had a 30 minute play with the MB200 the day it arrived and only tried it direct

Keith: yes I did use the Wizzy 10 as the reason for getting the MB200 was to have a mini-rig, paired with a Wizzy 10, for smaller gigs and rehearsals. I am presuming that, even if the Wizzy 10 affected the tone it would not have resulted in the finger noise and scratchiness - hence me thinking its the pickup. And yes the Planet Wing is shimmed with paper ... But it sounds great through my Baggs preamp.

Like I say, its no biggie if I end up having to use a preamp but it would be nice (one less thing to carry and make sure batteries O$k etc) if I could use the amp directly.

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[quote name='Monckyman' timestamp='1327709132' post='1515873']
....and it`s pretty damn tight.

That could be a problem when it comes to getting a 'sweet spot'. I've found the best results to be when a wing pickup is firm but not tight. Too tight and there's far too much low end, too loose and there's too little. I've used everything from maple shims to thin business cards to get the right pressure.

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I've got an OK sound (not 100% happy still) by tweaking the Planet Wing and cutting both treble and bass (its very scratchy on the G string and mega-boomy on the E string without this) and leaving the mids untouched. Sounds slightly better through an Fdeck preamp with the active bass setting selected. Of course this is all at home and so I will need to experiment further at next rehearsal. BTW, the amp sounds cool with electric bass, so its really only getting the DB sorted that is vexing me.

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