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Guitar pickups on bass


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Just a curiosity so I can explore another avenue with some modding... I'm looking at a straight swap for a bass mini humbucker (like you'd find near the bridge of a Gibson/Epi EB-3) for a guitar mini humbucker (rail/blade - no pole piece alignment issues) or a firebird pickup. The new pup being round about 8k resistance. Would it work, and would the low end response be acceptable - ie does the bass repsonse rely on the strings, or the winding/wire gauge, or the amplification?


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Yes it will work in theory.

Gibson used guitar pickups on a few basses - the EB6 had regular PAF humbuckers, and the SB300/SB400 basses had pickups that were also used on the SG100/200/250 guitars.

But whether you like the sound is down to you. I suspect that ther variation across different pickups is probably massive.

The stock Gibson bridge humbucker is pretty bright sounding, and most people blend neck and bridge to get what they want. I think you'll have to try a few things and see.

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Thanks for the replies :)

Apparently the pups I want to use, although having a bar magnet, have a span of 50mm. The bridge I'll be using will have a string span of 54mm. I doubt that by the time the strings have gone from the saddle to the bridge pickup they will have moved inwards a whole 2mm + on each side... will it make a lot of difference to the sound if the bar is a little bit too short? I'm not sure how much 'give' a bar magnet has in terms of the magnetic field... The problem I have is already down to the outer strings sounding weak and quiet so I'd like to make sure that this would fix the problem...


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