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Which Bass out of these $$ Corvette, Modulus Quantum IV or..


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Current basses are Fender V American Deluxe Jazz, Ric 4003 and Gretsch White Falcon.

Looking to expand collection and fill in a bit of tone gap.

Was going to plump for Warwick $$ Corvette NT but slightly put off by a lot of negative vibes on the brand and also the (new) price.

Considering the Modulus Quantum IV but uncertain.

Ive about 3k to spend and would appreciate views on the above or any other model you think would be a better compliment.

Play real mix from CCR and Neil Young, Chilli Peppers, Joy Division, Silversun pick Ups to Arcade Fire etc.

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Can't speak for the Modulus but I did have a $$ a while ago and didn't get on with it. Amazing array of tones, but small bodied (not my pref) and the neck seemed...well rough?

If you've got that sort of money to spend, the world is your Lobster really. My Vigier cost about a third less than that and I'm really happy with it.

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I love my Corvette $$ (it's my main bass at the moment). It offers a huge array of tones and is completely different to your Jazz. You'll probably find the edges of the fingerboard quite sharp, the neck quite fat (not as thick as my Mike Dirnt Precision though), the pickups dominate the playing area (although are good to rest your thumb on) and the body will feel really tiny. That said, if you can't find a sound you like, keep twiddling those knobs and flicking the switches until you do!

Warwicks don't keep their value at all well at the moment. I've picked up a few bargains in the wild hope that they'll become fashionable again and the prices will shoot up so when I sell them I'll at least get my money back. If you're buying new, though, expect a steep drop in value!

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Have you considered something like a Zon?

Would be very different to anything you already have and would give you all sorts of options for plain or fancy tops, nicely ergonomic bodies and a graphite neck.

Alternatively, if you've got £3K to spend then you're on the edges of a classic 'vintage' Fender as well. Unlikely to get 100% original for that money but certainly you could pick up a pre CBS P bass with a refin body (like mine!) or a later 60's J.

You're also well up into the 'boutique' J basses from people like Sadowsky, Lull, Celinder or a custom build from Martin Petersen or Jon Shuker etc.

Choices, choices eh. . .

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[quote name='thisnameistaken' timestamp='1329138388' post='1537601']
Don't buy a custom bass, you'll end up with some hideous figured top with a translucent finish over it, then 6 months later it'll be for sale on here and nobody will want it because everybody else's bad taste is different to your bad taste.

.... Dunno what you're talking about :unsure:


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[quote name='molan' timestamp='1329136340' post='1537540']
Have you considered something like a Zon?

Would be very different to anything you already have and would give you all sorts of options for plain or fancy tops, nicely ergonomic bodies and a graphite neck.


Definitely worth looking into. I had a stunning Sonus last year (went back to Warwickhunt eventually, who had owned it before). It felt to me like the ultimate jazz bass and sounded that way too! Light, ergonomic body with a thin fast neck. Growly, modern 'jazz' sounds from the singlecoil pickups. Joe Zon designed it to be the new jazz bass for the 90's, and I think he has been successful in that aim!

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  • 2 weeks later...

With £3k to spend, I'd NOT be looking at Warwicks, especially considering their secondhand values!

That kind of money buys you a very serious bass guitar indeed.
Serious as in;

Modulus - as you say

The list is virtually endless.
Best advice I can give is - do what I do / have done...
Bin your pre-conceptions and go to a good retailer with a big selection. Bass Direct or The Gallery spring to mind.
Make a day of it and try everything you can get your mitts on, and then go back to that dented P bass in the corner (for a reality check) and start again.
With that sort of budget, you're in for a host of (hopefully pleasant) surprises! Enjoy!

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[quote name='rednose200' timestamp='1330167048' post='1553573']
Forget these if you have 3 grand and want to spend it on something special. ACG my friend. The mutts nuts

One stop shop for all your custom bass needs, I won't go anywhere else anytime soon :)

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