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[quote name='rockabillybob1' timestamp='1329243105' post='1539509'][Y]ou never get ripped off[/quote]
Still waiting for two BCers to pay up in respect of items received damaged - one owing £240; the other £35. Hope they both drop by, as I'm sure they know who they are. And there have been more than a few stories about rip offs and less than honest sellers; but, in the main, my experiences here have been positive too. Certainly no worse than eBay in its heyday (which was a long time ago). Wouldn't touch that particular site with a 10-foot pole these days.

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I've bought a few, traded a bit more gear but only sold a couple of items - fortunately you can now buy BC Polo shirts as an alternative to making a donation to the BC fund - you can wear the label almost for free.

As well as the above I've donated when Clarky sold me Mick Karn's autobiography as did Philw when I sent him a gig bag..

Don't forget to make a donation (or buy a POLo shirt) if you sell..

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I have bought all of my current amps , cabs and bass guitars from bass chat.
Bought a shed load ,
One trade deal
I sold 2 bass guitars on behalf of a friend (non BC member)
Not had any luck selling my own gear on BC as yet.
I have only had one dodgy experience from another Bacer which did get sorted in the end.

Other than that, bass chat has been a very positive experience :)
Met some great people on here :)

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I`ve bought/sold stacks of gear on here. Out of all of my current set-up, the only items not bought on here are my amps - and if they`d been available on here when I bought them, again, Basschat would have provided.

So far so good as well, had no problems or issues with anyone, either with buying or selling. A couple of times I`ve had to pull out of a purchase, but I`ve always made sure that I`ve explained the situation to the seller, and they`ve always been very understanding.

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I'm not a great buyer or seller of gear. I've bought one cracking bass here. Sold some stuff, but I've had greater success on E-bay.
Or, more precisely, potential buyers making contact directly after the auction had ended! On both occasions the buyers were local, I let them try out the basses, and they paid me the full asking price there and then in cash.
In the case of my 'Ray 5, I chopped 20% off of the price on BC, and still it just sat there.
BC can be quite fad-prone over mid-priced stuff (Fender/Warwick/Musicman) as there'll be another along later if an initial deal doesn't pan out.
Cheaper gear shifts, as it's more immediately affordable, and the ever-desirable boutique items get snapped up quite quickly as long as the price is realistic

Long live TIM.

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[quote name='EmmettC' timestamp='1329248907' post='1539627']
Aye, I've bought loads of stuff with no problem but I can't seem to sell anything. I suppose it might help if I tried.

well, that's encouraging...i was wondering if it was something personal !

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I've bought and sold quite a bit of gear both here and on evilBay and I can't say I've had any bother to speak of with either. One strange deal for a bass years ago with eBay but it got resolved with a bit of shouting :)

I buy loads of stuff on eBay - you do have to be careful. It's full of forgeries of just about everything and eBay couldn't give a toss if you get stung.

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[quote name='ahpook' timestamp='1329303256' post='1540192']
well, that's encouraging...i was wondering if it was something personal !
Me too! Still have several items up for sale, guess it's down to expectations really, maybe the price for some of the stuff I've posted up is unrealistic? Or are people trying to get bargains?


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Lots of Basschatters also trade on eBay and I don't believe there's some evil spirit that turns us all into scumbags when we do, so I think some of the anti-eBay sentiment on here is misplaced. Having said that, I'm in the throes of two bad eBay experiences right now, so my opinion might be about to change.

I like buying here, though I've sometimes been surprised at the state basses turn up in, especially when they were claimed to have had a professional setup. Selling is more difficult, because of having to decide on a price, and the relatively small population, compared to eBay.

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Despite my best efforts chasing one particular bass, I haven't managed to buy anything as yet on here, but did sell a bass that didn’t even get as far as being listed in the For Sale section! :lol: I have recently purchased a couple of the BC t-shirts to give something back and hopefully boost the funds a little bit. Definitely one of the best and friendliest on-line communities I've come across and have had the pleasure of being part of! Long may BC, and all who sail in her, continue.

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