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Guy finds 62/63 Shell Pink Jazz Bass..it's all going off on Talkbass

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[quote name='silddx' timestamp='1330676484' post='1561251']
I think it was because your quote was not in quotes. Took me a few seconds to realise too.

There are some idiots around, quite sickening isn't it.

Congratulations on your find! It is quite amazing! This could have ended up as a cheap present for someone who doesn't appreciate it or know what they have. It's a beautiful looking Jazz and whatever you do, sell it and get what you really want, or keep it and cherish it, feel good about it :)

this thread is getting me confused :huh: but then again i am old and easily confusible

i never bothered looking at the factory youtube clip before - some of the skill on there is just amazing

im stripping the lacquer from my blue squier ready to spray it baby pink - thank goodness i already have the antique white scatch plate :)


[quote name='Big_Stu' timestamp='1330679118' post='1561306']
Are you mad?? This forum is leagues ahead of TB.
Unless of course you're trying for #1 of the [i]"What colour scratchplate should I put on my mega-rare possibly factory refinned bass that some numbnuts hate me for legitimately owning"[/i] club???


i still think the auction option would be great

just imagine...

half of talkbass will slash their wrists that they cant afford it

while the other half will sell their granny to raise the dough to try and secure it for their bedroom collection ;)


It's funny. A guitar player picks up a bass.
From the sound of it, and knowing friends who work in similar situations, legally.
Finds out it's actually worth a fair bit....

asks a bass forum about it- and most the vitriol seems to be "you don't know how to play, how come you have this great bass and I don't"

Posted (edited)

"Guy finds.." I thought you meant that jammy ******* Guy Pratt got lucky AGAIN!

Or is it him? Not read all threads....

Only kidding Guy..............if you see this........................cos I believe you pop in here.................................... occasionally...................'ahem'...

Edited by leftyhook

[quote name='Dave Vader' timestamp='1330686001' post='1561478']
Pink basses look weird, i would totally refin that ;)
just give it to me i can do you a straight swap swap for a blue/white J :D


Hey 1 shot. Stick around over here. We are much nicer folk (well most of us). The bass is something else and sod all that Karma nonsense! :ph34r:



[quote name='Dave Vader' timestamp='1330690185' post='1561604']
Sounds like a sound plan.... :blink: :unsure:

hang on....
ah go on go on go on go on

i got nothing against pink guitars honest! i used to play one of these little badboys

:blush: :blush:


You should stick around. The new anti-stalking legislation will make it harder for us to follow you if you leave :lol:

There were some righteous keyboard warriors in the original TB thread; it was all quite embarassing, and maybe a little homoerotic, as people postured and gesticulated and flexed their internet muscles.

I didn't catch how the bass was original procured. Did it come via a facilities chappy? If so, I wonder if my old leather couch is causing similar scenes on TalkCouch, or somesuch. I bet my old landlord sold it when I moved out and abandoned it. I know someone else owns it, but they don't own the spirit of my old couch. Maybe someone should dream of them crashing their car, so they can steal back my couch, and offer it back to me with roses and candy.


[quote name='steve-bbb' timestamp='1330676963' post='1561261']
here's my advice FWIW

auction it

all proceeds to charity

karma sorted
I was thinking that I would keep it, drool over it a bit, try really hard not to saturate it and further destroy the already checking paint with said drool, then play it, put it back in it's box and repeat for the next 2 decades, repeat.

I am in no karmic danger here, I bought an abandoned instrument, The laws in my state dictate that when an owner abandons something (regardless of value or vintage) it is exactly that, abandoned.
There is no law that states, that once the previous owner decides it is valuable to them (monetarily or sentimentally) that the now new owner should feel bad for them or be obligated to return said abandoned item.

If you read the original story I posted know that for the most part that story has changed dramatically. (Not that it matters at all, I had legal right to buy it then)

But what I posted is what I was told through the middle man I had bought it through. Turns out he had added some of his own details to the story. For God only knows what reason.
The bass was in an old mans apartment, that old man come to the end of his term/lease, he moved out on his own free will even staying up through the final day. He removed some objects but left behind about 90% of his possessions. Word is that the place was left in shambles and pretty disgusting. So much so that the property had to hire a professional clean up crew to empty the place out. Which took place some 5-6 months after his leaving.
(So he had not just the 30 days law stipulates here, he had an additional 4-5 months on top of that to come claim anything he wanted)
And on top of that I'm told (Now straight from the source) that this all took place almost 6 months ago.
So we're talking a year almost since this bass was voluntarily left behind and nobody claimed it in that year.
It was saved from the trash truck I believe you guys call it a Lorry or something. Right?
The maintenance man, saw it and saved it, and then happened to show my friend who showed me.

My conscience is 100% clean and free of guilt. This bass will one day be passed on to my children, and or help put them through school.
Definitely will not be donating this or any proceeds to anyone while my own family could benefit tremendously from it. I really don't buy into the whole Karma thing, But if I did I'd have to say that karma was certainly on my side, not against me.


[quote name='Dave Vader' timestamp='1330692876' post='1561686']
Sadly i don't own the thing, I do have other things I could swap you for that jazz though... a genuine Indian fenderish precisionalike... :)

I'll definitely keep you in mind-ish if I ever decide to part with it.


[quote name='Gust0o' timestamp='1330692978' post='1561691']
You should stick around. The new anti-stalking legislation will make it harder for us to follow you if you leave :lol:

There were some righteous keyboard warriors in the original TB thread; it was all quite embarassing, and maybe a little homoerotic, as people postured and gesticulated and flexed their internet muscles.

I didn't catch how the bass was original procured. Did it come via a facilities chappy? If so, I wonder if my old leather couch is causing similar scenes on TalkCouch, or somesuch. I bet my old landlord sold it when I moved out and abandoned it. I know someone else owns it, but they don't own the spirit of my old couch. Maybe someone should dream of them crashing their car, so they can steal back my couch, and offer it back to me with roses and candy.
I'm gonna keep the page bookmarked on my lap top and check back in from time to time. Thanks for the warm welcome though, I was almost convinced that was a thing of the past.
I am sure though everywhere has their haters. I really don't see what the big fuss is all about here.
I don't think i did anything wrong, In fact I know I didn't, I lucked out and scored a great and beautiful instrument that will bring new forms of music into my life and my families life. What could be better?


[quote name='1SHOT1HIT' timestamp='1330701039' post='1561867']
I'll definitely keep you in mind-ish if I ever decide to part with it.

Me second ;)


[quote name='skankdelvar' timestamp='1330704991' post='1561978']
Yeah, yeah, whatever. What I want to know - is it good for Metal?
I wish I knew, I play guitar not,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Dare I say it,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, :ph34r: bass


[quote name='1SHOT1HIT' timestamp='1330706033' post='1562001']
I wish I knew, I play guitar not,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Dare I say it,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, :ph34r: bass

Who knows, now you've got a nice bass, you might finally be able to step up and play a real instrument! :P


[quote name='1SHOT1HIT' timestamp='1330706033' post='1562001']
I wish I knew, I play guitar not,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Dare I say it,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, :ph34r: bass

Oh that was why they were so hard on you.... :)


[quote name='skej21' timestamp='1330706259' post='1562008']
Who knows, now you've got a nice bass, you might finally be able to step up and play a real instrument! :P

Hey hey now,,Every instrument and it's player has it's place.
It takes many to make a great band and a great sound. w/o lead and rhythm it's just not the same, and just the same with out bass and drums it's just not the same.
T.E.A.M Together Everyone Are Musicians,
B.A.N.D Broken Apart Nobody's Dancing

Ha cheesy yes but I pat myself on the back for those, Just made those up lol


[quote name='Dave Vader' timestamp='1330706949' post='1562023']
Oh that was why they were so hard on you.... :)

I think some of it was that, yes.
I also think a lot was just pure, envious hatred and sheer bitterness that it happened to someone other than them. I mean it's a tough world living in mothers basement. What I don't get is if they'd just step away from the computer and get out more, they may actually find their own something or other one day.

I never understood people like this, Why be hateful because something good happens to someone. Just be happy for them.


I don't know guys so far Talkbass has been a great place and resource for information, I have met some really incredible people there over the past week or so,
The mods so far have been extremely helpful with trying to keep the abuse coming my way to a minimum all while seeming to allow me to be a big boy and fight my own battles.
I can't speak highly enough about the majority of the community over there with the exception of just a few members, and I think that's gonna be anywhere you go these days.
It sucks that there seems to be a bad rep out there because the better portion of the community seems so be some real intelligent bunch of bass enthusiasts.
All have been very helpful in trying to help identify this bass, some have been good guys trying to keep my head on a more realistic level when they have seen me getting my hopes well up above where they should be, Even though they may seem a bit frustrated with it at times. They always come back and show they mean well.
I can't complain, really since I have been there the good has outweighed the bad time and time again.

I definitely plan to start playing bass now, this whole situation has encouraged me to not only play bass but also to start playing in general again, I haven't touched even my guitar in a few months lately and this was just what I needed to get back into the swing of things.
I hope to get advice along the way from all of you guys.

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