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5 string Jazz bass neck with threaded truss rod - Options?


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I bought a secondhand Mexican Fender Jazz 5 string about a month ago. While I was setting up the Jazz, I had noticed there was too much relief on the neck so I went to tighten up the truss rod, went to move it and there was no movement on it, as in I couldn't tighten it up at all. I said I'd take the truss rod nut off to make sure there was nothing catching on the threads on it, but it kept spinning on the direction to loosen it, as in it wouldn't loosen off at all. At this stage I decided it was beyond my level of knowledge so I brought it in to my local luthier to have a look at it about a week and a half ago. Turns out anyway basically that someone who had it before me tightened the nut way too much, and did 2 bits of damage. 1. He cracked the top of the truss rod nut, where the allen key goes in (I assume it happened years ago because there is rust running through the cracks in the nut) and 2. He threaded the actual truss rod itself, so it's impossible to just put a new truss rod nut on it, as it won't be able to grip properly. My situation is that to get it repaired, I've been told that I need to get a new truss rod put into it. To do that, I'd have to get the skunk strip taken out of the back of the neck, a new truss rod put in, and a new skunk strip made up to fit into the back of it, basically a huge job. I don't think it's worth it do that, not for the price that it's going to cost and for the resale value that it's going to have afterwards.[/size][/font]
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My other options I think are 1. Order a replacement neck or 2. Separate the bass and sell her off in parts and make back what I can. What do you reckon is my best plan of action?[/size][/font]

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I'm not sure if I want to keep it at this stage, I only had it 2 weeks and I haven't been terribly happy with it from that start. I was having problems with a loose B string that resonated a bit strangely. Fender B's aren't supposed to be great at the best of times, but I'm sure the damaged truss rod didn't help either. However I'm reading up on necks now, and people are saying that Warmoth necks have steel reinforcement bars along with the truss rod, and the stiffer neck solves the problem with the B. I'd want to be sure though that the B string issue would be solved before I get a new neck though.

Any other recommendations as to where I could pick up replacements necks in Ireland/EU?

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