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Posted (edited)

Hi, never really been big on stomp box's in the past but somebody the other day mention
a little di pedal called the MXR M80 2 channel switch pedal that gives you a clean channel
with an additional 'sweet spot' dial for better sound within the mix, and a distortion channel
for a grungier tone, anybody got 1 of these or tried 1 out? after a bit of info on it really.
i wouldn't use the distortion channel to much, as not really needed in a ska sound!!!
however the clean channel sounds interesting and i believe it can be used live or even better,
in the studio.

cheers Andy. :)

Edited by AKA

Yup - had one but got rid of it quickly. Great as a preamp with good eq but I was looking a more versatile overdrive pedal. Didn't like that you couldn't eq the distortion channel separately. But for your intended use it would be very good indeed.


Definitely fits the bill for your situation.

But as mentioned earlier, the hartke bass attack would definitely be worth a good look
It's cheaper than the mxr, and the shape function can really be used to thicken the sound considerably.
I dug mine out the other day, after using the mxr for years, and I was very pleasantly surprised by the quality of the sound the vxl makes


As above really, liked the basic sound in terms of working in a mix but it sounded a little odd on it's own. Distortion added a nice growl at low settings but you couldn't EQ it separately or turn off the contour effect. I preferred it to the Sansamp in terms of overall sound but I moved it on pretty quick and now use a Dave Hall Amps DI/EQ and a VT1 for grrrr.


thanks guys, really good advice, i might check out the vxl pedal along with the vt1 before i venture in!

cheers Andy


I tried the MXR M80 and I think it is very nice pedal. I really liked it.

The only thing that I find a little bit odd is it is name. I don't see it as a DI. I think it is more an EQ/Distortion pedal with a DI output.

My opinion is obviously biased but if I needed a DI for recording or live usage I am not sure I would use a M80.


I`ve got one, and am very happy with it. The thing with the Gain is use the Blend Control carefully. I have the Colour Switch set on all the time, and the Distortion switched on all the time, and the Gain, set to about 9 o`clock, with the same amount of Blend. For when we do Ace of Spades, I just up the Blend a little. I keep the Distortion on all the time, as find that there is a drop in the lows when this is engaged, so just get the sound I want with it all on, then up the gain when needed. This way, no drop off on the lows when I need the distortion.

The Colour Switch is very good, if you like a scooped bass sound, like Mike Dirnt, Duff McKagan.


I use one for double bass as it's quite neutral and a nice eq. I use the distortion channel with the blend all they way down for the Kala bass uke, gives a very nice warm tone.


having used a sansamp, an ebs microbass II and the mxr for going direct to a PA, the mxr is my favourite.

admittedly the distortion channel is a little limited, but i use mine as a volume boost - i add a little more gain and blend a tiny amount of the distortion (which is set on the lowest setting) to the main signal.

viola - a little kick in your sound for those bits where you need a bit more volume.

Posted (edited)

It's my favourite DI. I love the Color switch when playing with a pick or going straight to the desk, but find it makes the sound too boomy when playing with fingers or into an amp, also in certain rooms with a very unfocused sound. Distortion is only useful with Blend very low, at 8 or 9 o'clock maximum, IMO. I rarely use it. With the Color on, it also makes just about every distortion going into it sound thunderously awesome B)

There's an interesting trick some people use: Color is always active on the distortion channel, so some people put the distortion blend at zero and the Color button off, so when they engage the distortion they're actually engaging the Color preset EQ. Might be something that interests you?

I had the Hartke Bass Attack but sold it, there was something I didn't like about its controls logic but can't remember what it was...

Edited by 1976fenderhead

I bought an M80 last year to replace my Radial Bassbone. It is a great unit; quality sound, compact, solidly built. My only gripe is that you're stuck with the colour switch "on" and no other eq control when using the overdrive.

One thing I found is that when I first got it, I set it up ready for band practice, through my practice amp with headphones on. When I actually used it at volume, in a band situation at rehearsals, it sounded completely different and I had to change all the settings! Whatever I think of the overdrive sound (it's more of a distortion IMO) on its own, I can't deny that in a band mix it does sound great!


I bought an m80 a while back on this forum. Ilike it. It stays in my bass case as a backup if my amp ever dies. I too don't really use the distortion channel. I was hoping it would be more of a warm drive, but it definitely more fuzz. Doesn't sound anywhere as nice as the tube drive on my amp, but is perfectly useable as a di/eq for live.


[quote name='TRBboy' timestamp='1330455541' post='1557841']
One thing I found is that when I first got it, I set it up ready for band practice, through my practice amp with headphones on. When I actually used it at volume, in a band situation at rehearsals, it sounded completely different and I had to change all the settings! Whatever I think of the overdrive sound (it's more of a distortion IMO) on its own, I can't deny that in a band mix it does sound great!

Hah, I had the same experience as well. I thought I`d got just a nice bit of break-up/distortion, but at band levels it couldn`t be noticed at all - and by that I don`t mean in the mix, just when the bass was playing on it`s own. Still love the pedal though, and really like how the noise-gate works at these levels. Gives a much more defined ending to the notes.


Just realised I was talking nonsense before......

The EQ does still operate on the drive channel, it's just that the colour is always engaged too. you can "avoid" the scooped sound by upping the mids a bit to get a warmer sound. IMO the colour pre-shape isn't heavily scooped anyway.

Tried using it permanently on at rehearsals last night, on the drive channel with the gain and blend at about 9 o'clock and the mid boosted a little, just to give a bit of warmth and grit at the front end. Then used my Boss ODB-3 as the full-on overdrive. It worked a treat! sounded great!


[quote name='TRBboy' timestamp='1330455541' post='1557841']
One thing I found is that when I first got it, I set it up ready for band practice, through my practice amp with headphones on. When I actually used it at volume, in a band situation at rehearsals, it sounded completely different [/quote]

that's going to happen with any peice of equipment....headphones and speakers are very different fish kettles.

Posted (edited)

[quote name='TRBboy' timestamp='1330606021' post='1560165']
IMO the colour pre-shape isn't heavily scooped anyway.

It is MASSIVELY scooped :) Check out the curve someone measured, flat EQ, color button on:

Slight boost of highs and lows with cuts on the extremes of the spectrum and massive sharp Q cut just above 800Hz.
This is the flat amp curve of a GK 400RB IV for comparison :

EDIT: taken from [url="http://forums.musicplayer.com/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Board=5&Number=1726468&Searchpage=3&Main=126591&Words=+frequency&topic=0&Search=true"]here[/url].

Edited by 1976fenderhead

[quote name='1976fenderhead' timestamp='1330614477' post='1560411']
It is MASSIVELY scooped :) Check out the curve someone measured, flat EQ, color button on:

Okay, I haven't gone into THAT much detail! The guy who posted it says; "Obviously this kind of thing doesn't tell the whole story, especially in terms of coloration"
This information was posted on a forum, I wouldn't take it as gospel..... How accurate is his equipment? Is it calibrated? Is he competent to undertake this sort of testing and analysis? I trust my ears more....... :D

I'm just saying that I don't think it SOUNDS too scooped, especially if you boost the mid control. The way I had it set last night gave me just what I wanted; a bit more grit and bite and actually a bit more warmth and presence.

Posted (edited)

Why should I doubt the guy? He does a pretty good analysis if you read the whole thing. Anyway, the way I can most closely replicate the sound of the Color button with my SWR amp is by increasing Bass to 2 o'c, Treble to 4 o'c and cutting mids on the 800 Hz mark to 8 o'c... Not the same but the closest... So I'd say scooped mids at around 800 Hz and boosted everything else is pretty close, and if I'm gonna trust my ears, he's right ;)

...and like you said, if you boost the mid knob it sounds less scooped. He says the same: the only way to get anything to show at the filtered mid frequency with Color on was to boost the mid control.

And that's how I use it myself: with Color off I always find myself cutting mids and boosting highs and lows, with Color on I always end up boosting mids and cutting the other freqs...

Edited by 1976fenderhead

The Colour control is definitely a scooped sound, . Previously I used the Contour on my GK MB500 at about midday, now, with the Colour control engaged, I have the Contour fully off. The Contour is described by GK as "As part of the amps active equalization the contour control decreases the mid-range frequencies while boosting low and high frequencies". Now that be a scoop.


I love mine, I find it's most useful as clean preamp and using the channel switches to move between flat and scooped sounds. This is actually my practice rig into a Soundcraft mixer hooked up to my pc then headphones. I'm not the world's biggest fan of the distortion either, but as has been said it sounds much better loud and with a band then it does in the music shop.


I don't know if it's just me but I like the distortion.

Yes it would be nice to have the option to de-select the 'color' button in the distortion but on the plus side it does add bottom end to the distortion which is often lacking in this type of pedal. Keep the blend somewhere around 50% and gain on minimum for a nice grind, or both blend and gain of 50% for a good distorted tone.

I don't like the 'color' button on the clean channel, too scooped unless I make a rare move into slap in which case it works great.

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