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Hmm, not really bass speaker related, though I may put bass through it, quietly.
I just scored a Spirit PowerPad, a dinky 6ch powered mixer (30W/ch)
I am looking to put vocals and acoustic guitar through it in my tiny rehearsal space.
I'm looking for some really small speakers (space is a premium!) and thinking of something like the
JBL Control1 pros or the little equivalent StudioSpares do.
We dont practice very loud and the vocals are just loud enough using a Trace Acoustic Cube (>30W) at full chat.
Any recommendations/advice gratefuly received.


That's really neat, but as I've bought a POWERED mixer, I'd only be looking to get passive speakers, pref 4ohms.
Thanks for the quick reply though, it is something I would have considered if I hadn't already pulled the trigger...


Sorry mate

how about [url="http://www.google.co.uk/products/catalog?hl=en&ion=1&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.,cf.osb&biw=1066&bih=582&q=wharfedale+speaker+titan+8&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=shop&cid=12245341618978107746&sa=X&ei=XZlaT-7BH8TP8gOtuoWLDw&ved=0CFsQ8wIwBA"]these[/url]


Go down to CrackConverters & pick up a cheapish pair of big HiFi speakers - for the volume & the size of room, they'd probably be fine - I've done this with a pair of Sanyos in my 'Dugout' (about 14'x14') and they are more than loud enough. You'll need to fabricate cables to fit, probably.



The problem with the studio monitors and the ex hi-fi speakers is efficiency. They often only produce 88dB/W or thereabouts. The Wharfedale titans will give you an extra 6dB to play with which will be noticeably louder. At a pinch they will do as PA speakers for an acoustic set in a small bar and as floor monitors in a band so you might get extra uses out of them.


Thanks Phil, good point about the efficiency, esp as it's only 30wpc powering them. Theyre a bit more than I was looking to spend and might take up more room than I'd like. I'll have a look at mounting options later.

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