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SOLD Musitronics Mutron Octave divider FT/FS


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Although i love this unit, check my review/sound sample here,


as iv said in that thread, its a brilliant unique pedal.

i feel like someone else would appreciate it more than me, as its quite a special and exceedingly rare pedal, worth a bit too, with one selling on US ebay for $800 (£400) last week.

im just interested if anyone would wanna trade something for it, whether that be an effect or even an amp or bass

basically i don't think im good enough for it, and its too good for my bedroom!

let me know if your interested, il listen to anythin at all youd wanna trade

it will come with a maplins power transformer, which would set you back £30 otherwise :)

Edited by BassManKev
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i think i may well sell this now

decided that it is too much for me to keep

£325 picked up from bristol, or £335 shipped (together with the transformer they weigh nearly 6kgs)

id rather avoid paypal for this kind of money, bank transfer is the best.quickest way. if not, then splitting the fees could be an option

Edited by BassManKev
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ebay'd [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1&item=320239152340&ssPageName=STRK:MESE:IT&ih=011"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...E:IT&ih=011[/url]

susbstantial basschat discount still applies

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na no batteries, dont even know what voltage it internally runs at anyways, but iv included the transformer in the sale anyways so powering up is no problem

and my playin in that soundclip will put people off i think! :)

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