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Auditioned for a fab new band last night ... and got it!!!


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After the disappointment of leaving Rattlin Bone, I took stock for a couple of weeks and then spotted an ad on Gumtree for a really eclectic band that mixes folk, blues, country and flamenco with two quite incredible lady singers. The band is called All The Queens Ravens. They have a six-track EP out with all of the tracks on Soundcloud (link below). Anyways, I auditioned last night, played pretty well, got on with the band, and was offered the role. The advert was for a double bass player but it looks like I will be using my Takamine B10 acoustic bass as the band really loved its gypsy vibe (I auditioned with both instruments). First gig is at the Hootananny in Brixton a week tomorrow (Friday 23 March). I am VERY excited about this :)


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Clarky, this is brilliant news!

I just had a listen on SC, it's really great! Lovely voices and accomplished playing and writing. I really like it! Reminded me of a few things but without sounding like any, that's a good thing in my book.

Have a splendid gig at the Hoots, nice venue, especially for this. I can't make it, but I will try to get to another gig.

Congratulations mate!

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This is them recently, sans bass


And with their old bass player (who has gone to Australia to be musical director of an orchestra in Sydney)


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Cracking gig Clarky, can't keep a good man down.
I don't live there anymore but tell you what, that band would really be appreciated in parts of Scotland.

Edited, damn my spelling :blush: .

Edited by karlfer
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