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Warwick Corvette - is it worth changing the PUPs?


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I have a Warwick Corvette Bubinga.

I had the nut upgraded to brass as with most if not all Warwicks have a bolt/screw in nut so the sound only resonates through the two screws rather than the full nut onto the fretboard.

I'm now thinking of upgrading the pick-ups.

Is it worth it? To get it done by my Luthier is about £180 but will it make much difference?

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I bought a Warwick Corvette Bubinga 4 from a fellow forumite last year. He had upgraded the pickups to Bartolinis and upgraded the preamp to an Aguilar OB2, I think.

I think it sounds great but I can't really compare to the original sound with the stock MECs. If you have a specific sound in mind, I think a pickup upgrade could be worthwhile.

Edited by The Funk
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I have a Standard Ash Passive and recently tried some Wizard Pickups. They sounded slightly different but not any better as such so have taken them off and sold them. They also didn't work too well with the pan control, didn't seem to blend properly?
Anyway, guess what I am saying is that the MEC's are not bad pickups...

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I've done upgrades from stock MECs on basses costing into 4 figures and the difference is 'slight'. For a high end bass where you are chasing that smallest bit of difference it might be worth it but with all due respect to the corvette range (I love em), you'd not gain £180 worth of difference and the resale value of the bass wouldn't go up by much more than £30.

IMHO not really worth it.

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