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So I've had a few offers for a bass I have and am probably going to end up trading it, possibly with their or my cash to make up for a price difference; depending on which deal I take. However, I'm not really sure how trades work exactly, do you both agree to send your bass to each other in good faith and hope they don't scam you? I looked for a guide on this but couldn't find one which was surprising based on the amount of trades which go on. I would really appreciate it if anyone could explain how to safely trade. Some people may have good feedback, but I'm a little worried about sending a valuable instrument to them, regardless of what their feedback may be.

Apologies if I used the wrong forum!



Its your call. You can send them on trust. When I traded here, I met the guy, we both tried hte basses out and exchanged but there are other ways if the distances are prohibitive. Use the feedback section to see if someone has traded before and it may put your mind at rest. Most people here are cool and its only gone horribly wrong a few times and we have been able to intervene to resolve the situation. But, in a nutshell, it is up to you to make sure you only take risks you are prepared for.


It does require a leap of faith to a degree...but you'd have to do that sending cash as well...
as the seller wants to be paid before he despatches the goods.

Most people here would not want a trashed reputation over a few hundred pounds or so, but if you aren't confident or happy about the in and outs, then pick a deal neaer to home
where you can meet up.

I recently drove 360 miles for 7 hrs there and back to get what I wanted...altho the petrol and time probably negated things a tad... but that was my choice and no problem with that from me.


Thanks for the replies.

[quote name='Bilbo' timestamp='1332758874' post='1592528']
Its your call. You can send them on trust. When I traded here, I met the guy, we both tried hte basses out and exchanged but there are other ways if the distances are prohibitive. Use the feedback section to see if someone has traded before and it may put your mind at rest. Most people here are cool and its only gone horribly wrong a few times and we have been able to intervene to resolve the situation. But, in a nutshell, it is up to you to make sure you only take risks you are prepared for.

Are you able to tell me what happened and how they were resolved? Thanks


I try to meet up for trades, not least because it's easier than trying to synchronise couriers. Where I have done trades by post, I've relied upon the feedback section and the fact that the forum does tend to self-police to an extent.


Yeah, as JT notes - it can be a leap of faith!

I prefer to meet up for my trades, to meet the person and see the bass. That way you can ensure both parties are happy, before concluding the deal. Don't be afraid to ask for that option, or for collection from your home/work/safe place, if unsure.

It's your bass, after all, you should only commit yourself to a deal you're comfortable with - and that includes all elements of the deal.


Someone will provide a link soon, but basically, someone paid money for a bassthat was advertised and they guy didn't send it on to him. In a nutshell, the dude got fleeced out of £x.

So, he came on the forum and said "can anyone help?" and because we have an amazing community here, we were able to find out the guys address, his place of work and we ended up getting in contact with the guys mother and eventually we pressured him into sending the bass on. There's a few lawyers/solicitors/coppers on here too all offering excellent advice.

Personally, I'm happy to trade with anyone who provides a verifiable address and a phone number (if I'm not already convinced of their integrity).

The logistics of a trade deal can sometimes cause a little hassle, but if you can work it out it can be an excellent way of trying out new basses without shelling out everytime.



[quote name='Truckstop' timestamp='1332760194' post='1592564']
Someone will provide a link soon, but basically, someone paid money for a bassthat was advertised and they guy didn't send it on to him. In a nutshell, the dude got fleeced out of £x.

So, he came on the forum and said "can anyone help?" and because we have an amazing community here, we were able to find out the guys address, his place of work and we ended up getting in contact with the guys mother and eventually we pressured him into sending the bass on. There's a few lawyers/solicitors/coppers on here too all offering excellent advice.

Was this the Warwick Vampyre example? Or didn't we have one more recently, with the German chap?

They stand out, thankfully, because they're so rare!


[quote name='Gust0o' timestamp='1332760717' post='1592580']
Was this the Warwick Vampyre example? Or didn't we have one more recently, with the German chap?

They stand out, thankfully, because they're so rare!

It was the guy in Germany, it was me with the help of a few other members that resolved this. I went to the guys house, got the bass and then sent it on to Germany.

I'm also doing a trade with a member in the Netherlands at the moment. Just arranging courier details to send mine, and he's doing the same his end.


Ah, yes! I think his username was Jazz73, or something - good work you guys did with that. Just a real shame it came to it - but they're total exceptions, I'd say. I did a good trade at the weekend, arranging to meet a fellow BC'er at a suitable half-way point - nice day, out in the sun and having a chat about basses :)


Yup, again all I've had is good experiences. Just make sure the seller has good feedback, and if he/she doesn't have any, then I would suggest an in-person rather than a delivery.

Also have a look at the post count - if it's in single figures, then the chances may be that they have joined purely to sell their item, rather than wanting to be a part of the community. Note that this doesn't necessarily mean they are going to be a rogue...


I've lined up a trade before but it didn't go through - we were going to just send the basses off on the same day in good faith.

I'd still prefer to meet up, even just to try the bass in question. My record is a 500 mile round-trip, just to make SURE the bass was right for me (I'd never spent more on anything up until that point)


Its a risk. Like Ebay and any other internet based trading model. Look out for members with very few posts and/or no feedback.

I have traded a few basses through here and been more than satisfied.


I've done several trades and sales here - I've have found that the majority of BCers are sound people and trustworthy. Those who aren't have been identified as such in no time at all..wasn't it Jake Day with the Warwick??

I've traded in person, sent gear on spec to would be buyers (returned when they chose not to buy), I even sold something to somebody on terms (installments) - I realise that not everybody would have done this but the BCer concerned had good feedback and was respected on the site..

At the end of the day it come down to trust - as I've said nearly all of the BCers I've had contact with have been sound people...often re-affirms my faith in human nature..

Hopefully your deal will go well and you'll feel the same..


For many off us gear tarts it's about reputation. Most of us would fall on our swords rather than get a flaming for being dodgy.


[quote name='TheGreek' timestamp='1332773472' post='1592883']
I even sold something to somebody on terms (installments) - I realise that not everybody would have done this but the BCer concerned had good feedback and was respected on the site..

That's really good of you, chief, and I think I know the example - and I concur, he's definitely a respected member of the site. I'd like to think I'd do the same if someone asked, but suspect I might be a little tight! :blush:

Karlfer's spot on, as well - this is a small pond. You're not going to hide anywhere - we've got so many great contributors here because people know it wouldn't take much to be a dickhead, and we respect the site enough to not want that and put the effort in to avoid it :)


Hopefully both sides reside in the UK and, if the other party shows signs of messing you around, your 'safety net' is that the combined weight of Basschat members* will descend upon him.

*some of us are quite fat.


All my trades on basschat have been a very pleasurable experience except one where I arranged to meet a guy in London who then backed out after I'd paid £50 for a train ticket. A valuable lesson learned !


People should send them all to me then I will distribute them as I see fit.

MB1. B)
Welcome to Waynesworld! :lol:

Meeting for a trade is my preference... always worth going the extra mile for the" Precious Things!" ;)


[quote name='mckendrick' timestamp='1332772118' post='1592853']
[b] but at my age I just love the days out. :blush: [/b]

Like it. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Good to hear jazz73 got there in the end thanks to BC. Wondered how that went


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