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Input gain issue...


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Last night at rehearsal I noticed that the gain light kept clipping on my usual settings. I was using a new bass, so thought it may be that the pickups are a little hotter. But when I used my old faithful go-to Jazz the same thing happened and I had to keep the gain ridiculously low to stop it blinking at me.

We were rehearsing in a smaller room than usual and I wondered if this would make a difference? Also, the lead I was using was quite cheap (same as I always use. And I know I really should upgrade them!). So would so much noise (drums, guitar, keys, vocals) in a small space affect the input? If so, would expensive shielded cables cut out the unwanted interference?

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The room being smaller won't make the clip light come on and the ambient noise within the room won't cause it either.

The most likely causes are going to be knocking the pre control to a higher than usual setting (if you have one of course!), using the 'hi' input socket instead of the 'lo' one (again, assuming you have those options) or perhaps an amp defect.

The clip light coming on isn't necessarily a 'bad thing', all they generally do is tell you that the limiting circuitry has kicked in to remove a peak that could potentially have caused damage.

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All the setting were exactly the same as usual. Nothing knocked or altered. The clip light was coming on for pretty much every note played - with the gain past 10 o'clock. But when I pushed it to 1 o'clock the clipping led was no more active than at the lower setting. Weird.

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[quote name='sixdegrees' timestamp='1333028143' post='1596392']
All the setting were exactly the same as usual. Nothing knocked or altered. The clip light was coming on for pretty much every note played - with the gain past 10 o'clock. But when I pushed it to 1 o'clock the clipping led was no more active than at the lower setting. Weird.

Well assuming you weren't getting carried away like 51m0n obviously does ( :P) then the amp is starting to look like the prime suspect - what is it?

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[quote name='icastle' timestamp='1333030150' post='1596438']
Well assuming you weren't getting carried away like 51m0n obviously does ( :P) then the amp is starting to look like the prime suspect - what is it?

FNARRRR - OOOWWPPHHH GWOP... :gas: <snigger>

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[quote name='sixdegrees' timestamp='1333030342' post='1596448']
Ampeg SVT 7 Pro. Only had it a few months. But having thought about it, I did raise the pickup height on my new Precision, and was digging in on the Jazz having dropped the tuning. So I think I'm to blame...

Sounds likely, both of those activities are likely to get the signal a bit hotter.

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[quote name='sixdegrees' timestamp='1333030342' post='1596448']
Ampeg SVT 7 Pro. Only had it a few months. But having thought about it, I did raise the pickup height on my new Precision, and was digging in on the Jazz having dropped the tuning. So I think I'm to blame...

Yep, that'd certainly be a good contender.
As I said earlier though, the 'clip' indicator generally comes on as the amp removes that peak.
Obviously, it makes sense to try and avoid it if you can but it won't do any damage if it cuts in occasionaly. :)

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