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first is a johnson brand precision neck that i 'decided' to try and re-model as a 'tele' style headstock! it was my forst ever attempt at such a practise and well... it didnt go too well!! as you can see i think i shaved off a little too mush of the tip so the tners look as if theyre too big for it! and theres a cut in the underside of the headstock where i sliped with the coping saw! other than these issues its a really nice neck, feel nice frest are good and straight too! no nut (i lost it amongst the chaos!)

Second up a 'ryder' precision neck, just recently got this one, i was going to attempt another 'reshaping' but ive decided its probably best i dont after my fisrt attempt!! again, a nice neck, good frets straight and a nice feel to it

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haha, i posted it before the pics had uploaded (doh!) and also before adding prices!

ideally £25 for the ryder and £20 for the johnson (which includes the tuners)


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