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Does new gear inspire you? playing with bassballs!


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Hi, I bought myself a Hartke VXL pedal and guitar case at the weekend. The seller also had a EH Bassballs, which I (being new to bass) knew nothing about. He showed me a demo and I was impressed and it was cheap so I bought it.

As I was driving away I was already asking myself why and thinking "fools and money are easily parted". The good news is since getting it home I have been having great fun with it and already used it on one of my songs on SoundCloud-see House of Correction here: [url="http://soundcloud.com/mole-music-1"]http://soundcloud.com/mole-music-1[/url]
I'm now thinking of the saying about gift horses!

New sounds inspire me to be creative. Are others the same or do you tend to stick with the same gear?

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That has a slightly "Who" ish feel to it till the bassballs kicks in. Waiting for my Dr q to turn up, but yes I am an equipment junkie too. My need to try stuff out is limited by my wallets capacity to provide the stuff to try!

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[quote name='Nibody' timestamp='1333957161' post='1608601']
That has a slightly "Who" ish feel to it till the bassballs kicks in. Waiting for my Dr q to turn up, but yes I am an equipment junkie too. My need to try stuff out is limited by my wallets capacity to provide the stuff to try!
Yep the expense is a problem but my limitation is my "goldfish memory", I can't even remember my own songs without the words in front of me so if I have too much equipment it just confuses me. I do love to discover a new sound though. I can see the envelope filter (I think thats what you would call it) inspiring a few more tunes yet. In fact I'm starting to write songs with my bass rather than my lead which is a big change for me!
Ooh thanks for the complement (Who fan here :ph34r: <)

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[quote name='Pinball' timestamp='1333958884' post='1608611']
Ooh thanks for the complement (Who fan here :ph34r: <)

Same here :happy: . I've just recently got a Stagg pedal board. Currently running a Neo Mistress, Small Stone, Behringer Ultra Chorus (would have prefered a Small Clone instead but it was cheap!), Bass Big Muff and awaiting the arrival of the Doctor Q from a fellow BC'er. Would REALY like a tremolo pedal so i could get that JPJ warble from "Heartbreaker", also considering an EHX "The Mole" bass booster. I'm limited when writing on guitar due to skill level (I know about the same amount of Chords as 1 1/2 Status Quo's. Oddly I write different stuff on bass to guitar.

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I've never really been into effects.
I use a chorus set to a really minimal level just to fatten the sound out a little - take it away and people know 'something' has gone but can't quite put their finger on what that 'something' was.

IMO effects are very genre specific which is a reason I rarely find a need to go down that path.
I've no problem with people using effects in general, but I do think that they'd sound far better if used a little more subtlety sometimes - after all, you're there to astound people with your musical ability, not demo your latest metal box. :)

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[quote name='icastle' timestamp='1333964695' post='1608706']
, you're there to astound people with your musical ability, not demo your latest metal box. :)

I'd better buy lots of pedals then.. LOL. I like messing withy them, but rarely (apart from a bit of flanger) use them live

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[quote name='thisnameistaken' timestamp='1333976897' post='1608995']
I find new effects do make me play differently, so yeah I suppose they're usually worth trying in my experience. Different basses (or amps) don't change my playing so much, although flatwounds do, but I consider flats to be an effect. :)
Hmm that's valid. When making music, pedals (effects), strings and different instruments effect how I feel and play at the time. When I use the computer software it is normally to change the sounds afterwards so that doesn't inspire me in the same way. Does that make sense?

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[quote name='paul_5' timestamp='1333982393' post='1609112']
Cool, your voice reminds me of Lou Reed.

Sorry if that offends you, but that's what sprang to mind upon the first listen.
Wow, a great complement thanks. LR's no skylark but he's makes awsome music. Cutting edge stuff lyrically in the same way as Neil Young. I don't consider myself a singer I'm forced into it to promote my songs. Comments like that help my coinfidence. I have never sung live except after too many beers at parties :ph34r:. That must have sounded horrible!

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In answer to the original question, yes, which is unfortunate, as it means I`m constantly buying/selling gear. Still, I don`t drink/smoke/take drugs/have a family, so I may as well do something constructive with my time & money. And it`s darn good fun too.

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