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Hi all
I just fixed up an old (mid 70s?) Marshall Bass 30 amp for a friend, 2x12 speakers arranged vertically.
They are 25 W Celestion Greenbacks with 75 c/s resonance freq.
Does anyone know when they changed over to putting Hz on the labels? Might help date the speakers, as I suspect they're worth a lot more parted out (to guitarists!) than the amp is all together, as it is a bit big for a practice amp and a bit quiet to be useful!
Any insight gratefully received, I haven't even been able to find a picture on t'internet, hey it might even be really rare! (still doesn't make it any good though!)


4 page 'Dating a Celestion Greenback thread here: [url="http://www.thegearpage.net/board/archive/index.php/t-67646.html"]http://www.thegearpage.net/board/archive/index.php/t-67646.html[/url]

Dunno if the info you need is in there because I started reading it and my brain dried out.

Good luck in your quest :)


My son's band were sold two old Marshall 4 x 12" PA columns for £60 that they soon didn't want because they looked too old & weren't loud enough.
They each had Celestion "pre-Rola*" Greenbacks in (which I was assured were the ones that are sought after) and paid for quite a bit of gear for them.

* No, I don't know either.


Thanks Skanky, that may well help if I can be bothered to plough through it too.
I wish I'd taken some photos and copped the date codes off the pots while it was in bits....
Hindsight 20-20 etc.

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