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There have been a lot of posts showing members' self-build, upgraded, pimped and generally "bitsa" basses. Since these are generally very impressive projects, I thought it would be a good idea to have them all in one place.

Bring 'em on!

[size=1]Sorry, I haven't got a bitsa of my own to show (yet).[/size]


Ok seems everyone is a bit shy, so I'll start with mine, It's nowt special but it plays nice enough.
Squier body, Mighty Mite neck & scratchplate, Wilkinson pickup & machine heads. BB009 Hi mass type Bridge.
It still has the bog standard Squier pots, they work fine, but will be replaced in time.


[url="http://www.flickr.com/photos/httpwwwflickrcomphotosgmac190/6947122782/"]complete2[/url] by [url="http://www.flickr.com/people/httpwwwflickrcomphotosgmac190/"]gem5819[/url], on Flickr
Although it has appeared elsewhere on the forum, I'm happy to post again. My 58 Bitsa.


My Fenderbird, although it now has a Hipshot Supertone bridge, new wiring, pots and knobs, pull-serial switching and EMG pickups. Tell you what, I'll take a more recent photo, shall I? :rolleyes:


Posted (edited)

Here's my bitsa....
Sue Ryder body, cream pearloid scratchplate, ashtray bridge cover, Mighty Mite neck, Wilkinson tuners, an old EMG (wired 18v)

Edited by nick

The OG:

My first serious bass, in that I payed actual money for it new, £70. A online store ha two dozen delivered an I asked them to twang each one an send me the loudest. Only original parts aside from the woodwork are the Earth wire, some scratchplate screws and three machine heads. Drilled for through strung bridges (this is third or fourth bridge) routed for a neck pickup, Hipshot detuner, Think Kent Armstrong pickups, switchable mono/stereo output, graphtech nut, heavy Elixir strings, two volumes no tone control. This is still my bass of choice for solo/Warrior Pope gigs in standard tuning, since I know how it feeds back really well and its all set up for definition and bottom so I can got from clean folky fingerpicking to massive gut shaking drone jsut using the volumes.

The supposed to be upgrade version:


After putting together a guitar for hybrid folky Jim Moray with a piezo bridge, decided that would be the way to get my clean acousticy tone, so put this together out of accumulated parts. As it turned out, don't really get on with the slimmer profile Squier telebass neck. Also dual output, no switch sinc the piezo bridge needs buffering. Use it for recording because the acoustic sound is still really nice.

Proof of concept for another project:

Just to show can get enough acoustic volume and brightness from a drum:


[quote name='gary mac' timestamp='1334838382' post='1622112']
Although it has appeared elsewhere on the forum, I'm happy to post again. My 58 Bitsa.

That's sort of the reason I started this thread. I've seen lots of fabulous project basses in posted various parts of BC so I thought it would be a good idea to have them all together. It also gives BCers another chance to proudly show their handiwork ;). Thanks for your contribution.


This is a copy of the bass the orignal bassist from Weezer used.

Geddy body
Warmoth tele neck and pickguard
Schecter Monstertone Pickups
Schaller bridge and tuners
CTS pots, russian PIO cap, cloth wire



Headstock pic of a Squier that I pimped up for my daughter

[url="http://www.flickr.com/photos/httpwwwflickrcomphotosgmac190/6947810324/"]003 (2)[/url] by [url="http://www.flickr.com/people/httpwwwflickrcomphotosgmac190/"]gem5819[/url], on Flickr

Posted (edited)

Heres my three bitsa's / heavy modded. They've all been shown before but what the hell. Any excuse :D

Rosie - a Vintage Stringrat copy. Machined off the fingerboard and replaced and machined out an Ebony Board. Veneered scratchplate and headstock. Refinished in black. Not a great success since it was my first ever and probably bit off a bit too much but I learned alot.

Bernie - a Sue Ryder pimped to the hilt with walnut burr and gold leaf. Wizard Thumper pickup. Love it even down to the veneered rosewood fingerboard which works perfectly.

Annie - a bitsa made from varies bits with Wizard 64's and a birdseye veneer fingerboard. This is my fav bass by far. Absolutely love her.

And theres a 5 string in the pipeline hee hee


Edited by apa

Well since you insist, this one (which will undoubtedly get me shot one day) is a Rockinbetter, with a hipshot bridge, and the electrics and pickups and stereo outputs from a hondo 2.
I like it a lot.
[url="http://www.flickr.com/photos/50579126@N03/6127387019/"]Rickenbastard[/url] by [url="http://www.flickr.com/people/50579126@N03/"]Plastic Squirrel[/url], on Flickr

This here is my dear old Sunn Mustang, which I have merely refinished, put a kent Armstrong pickup in and stuck CTS pots and an orange drop cap in. It is also lovely.

[url="http://www.flickr.com/photos/50579126@N03/6127934016/"]P-Bass[/url] by [url="http://www.flickr.com/people/50579126@N03/"]Plastic Squirrel[/url], on Flickr

Here's the fretless P, hondo body, ebay neck (defretted by me, and dots replaced with bits of maple veneer) wizard trad, and some bridge I had lying about. I only built it to match my strat, they look great in the living room together, and also match the cat. It plays and sounds pretty darn good too.
[url="http://www.flickr.com/photos/50579126@N03/6053000482/"]Fretless Pbass with Bam Bam[/url] by [url="http://www.flickr.com/people/50579126@N03/"]Plastic Squirrel[/url], on Flickr

And my favourite (at the moment) 1983 ibanez roadstar body, seymour duncan Ric bridge pickup, old kay pickup in the neck (really sounds bloody fantastic, i was a bit surprised) weird no-name bridge bought just for the spacing on the pickups. And in this picture it has the neck from my legendary £15 car boot sale fretless. It now has a beautiful unlined warmoth ebony neck on it which i got from CPCustomdubwise on here not so long ago.
The refinish never got finished cos i needed it for a gig and had to put it back together. I have since grown to love it's hideousness, and will probably never bother finishing the job.
[url="http://www.flickr.com/photos/50579126@N03/6127933632/"]Dave Fretless[/url] by [url="http://www.flickr.com/people/50579126@N03/"]Plastic Squirrel[/url], on Flickr


I used a hole punch on some maple veneer, collected the punched out holes, and after drilling out the original black dots i superglued in about 3 or 4 "holes" before I did the final sanding on the neck. Was lucky to have a hole punch exactly the right size.

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