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I just had a moment (I'm recording in my studio for my band) where I was listening to the bass in isolation and thought... Why the hell am I using this sound again?!

It sounded dirty, gritty and full of bass...

Then I turned on the other tracks... Instant smile on face moment.... That's why!

God I love the tubetone on the RH450! But DI'd and in isolation when you're listening back it makes you wonder until the other tracks are going too :)


Yes, has been said often that the bass in isolation sounds nothing like the bass 'in concert'.
Which is why it's pointless trying to get a decent sound out of context, live or recording.


That principle is also true of guitar sounds. EQ them till they sit nicely in the mix and they're terrible when solo'd. Similarly you dial in what you think is a good guitar sound but when it's in the mix it tries to splat over everything else. Other threads have mentioned the bottom end of a "good rock guitar sound" bleeding all over bass territory at gigs.


I always try and get my sound to be very pleasing to my ears in isolation... I can't stand it sounding crap and hoping everything else will make it either acceptable or cover it up ha ha !!


Have just cranked my speakers, sounds a fair bit better now :lol:

Still knowing it sounds great in the mix is the most important thing :)

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