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I want a combo for home use but with a bit of some thing about it.
Not just an 8" 10 watt thing.

Would like to try ampeg or orange so I looked on Thomann and am now a bit mesmerised, so some input from
you guys woud help a lot.

Looked at these...

Ampeg [url="http://www.thomann.de/gb/ampeg_ba115_bass_combo.htm"]http://www.thomann.d..._bass_combo.htm[/url]

Orange [url="http://www.thomann.de/gb/orange_crush_pix_100bxt.htm"]http://www.thomann.d..._pix_100bxt.htm[/url]

But looking further there's these...

Line 6 [url="http://www.thomann.de/gb/line6_lowdown_ld400_pro.htm"]http://www.thomann.d...n_ld400_pro.htm[/url] a lump for little money

Hartke [url="http://www.thomann.de/gb/hartke_a_100s_ltd_edition.htm"]http://www.thomann.d...ltd_edition.htm[/url]

Hughes and Kettner [url="http://www.thomann.de/gb/hugheskettner_basskick_bk100_basscombo.htm"]http://www.thomann.d...0_basscombo.htm[/url] (eminence goodness)

TC electronic [url="http://www.thomann.de/gb/tc_electronic_bg500210.htm"]http://www.thomann.d...ic_bg500210.htm[/url] (this would damage a few windows i think)

Ampeg [url="http://www.thomann.de/gb/ampeg_ba600_115_b_stock.htm"]http://www.thomann.d...115_b_stock.htm[/url] (a bit over budget, but tubes and neo speaker)

Fender [url="http://www.thomann.de/gb/fender_rumble_350.htm"]http://www.thomann.d..._rumble_350.htm[/url]

I could go on but would really value some input and any expeience you've had of any of the above.

Maybe a poll?

Cheers guys



[url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nEBlkDmP7yM"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nEBlkDmP7yM[/url] ------- Another possible for your list? Pretty tempted myself!



I use a Roland Bass cube for home practice which is quite nice with some nice features, and I also hear the EBS session 60 or 120 combos are very nice.

It also depends if this is purely a home practice, or a giging/practice amp in a band setting?

I ended up settling on the roland as I couldnt justify the size of combo's or wattage for a little home practice rig. Things like a power squeeze, some amp models and basic effects and a headphone jack, tuner and line in was what did it for me.

I looked at ampeg and ashdown as well. I found the Ashdown perfect 10 sounded thin and the ampegs only got going when putting out a bit of volume.....IMHO of course!


I quite like the look of the TC 250 watt 1x12 combo myself, although between my SWR Workingmans 12 and my ABM 1x10 combos I'm pretty set!


I have the BA108 version of the Ampeg, and it`s a great little amp. That lovely warm Ampeg tone, and at 25 watts, plenty powerful enough for home use - I never need it on more than 2 on volume.


How loud are you wanting to practice at home? Ideally you want an amp that's roughly that loud at around 1/2-3/4 I would have thought?


I usually practice at reasonably quiet volume and then a ten minute thrash with some noise. Live in the middle of nowhere with no neighbours so no issues. Also no need for a headphone jack.
Initially I wanted to try the 'Ampeg sound', but with the options i found (+ the suggestions so far) it's getting more and more complicated.
I had an old ashdown 50w 110 when I first started and it sounded a bit thin and wheezy so I don't want to go there again.
The Hughes and Kettner combo looks nice, but then so does the TC, er and.......


For the money you pay for named brands such as Ampeg and Orange etc, maybe you need to be considering some cheaper albeit just as good Promethean clones by Red Sub and Harley Benton.

300 quid will get you a 1x10 combo pushing out 250 watts, or 500 watts with an extension cab, or with the option to detach the head and run it at 500 watts into 4 ohms! [url="http://www.gear4music.com/Guitar-and-Bass/RedSub-BT5110-500W-Bass-Amp/C61"]LINK[/url]

I have the Promethean combo which this amp is copied off, and from what players are saying on here, it's every bit as good but half the price. The Promethean is a more than capable amp and can easily fill out a room with good clear sound.


What's your gigging rig? Maybe a 1x10 version of one of your cabs with your existing head?
I use my 2x10 combo for home, rehearsal & gigging with, that way I have the same sound everywhere (makes sense).


[quote name='soopercrip' timestamp='1335207542' post='1627343']
....TC electronic [url="http://www.thomann.de/gb/tc_electronic_bg500210.htm"]http://www.thomann.d...ic_bg500210.htm[/url] (this would damage a few windows i think)....

Only if you haven't mastered the volume knob. Also you can plug headphones into TC amps.

In fact for home practise I'd go for a good headphone amp rather than an unsatisfyingly quiet combo in the spare room.


I don't gig I'm afraid (talent deficiency, but i'm learning) sold most of my GK stuff which was for that purpose, but haven't given up hope!
Just want something of decent quality that doesnt take up half the dining room.



I'd look at a small 2x10 rig that can be used out of the house (for when the time comes).

Best advice I can give is get to a couple of decent shoppes & play away. What I like, you might not. :)


[quote name='xgsjx' timestamp='1335301333' post='1629097']l What I like, you might not. :)

never a truer phrase spoken....

Get out there and try as much as you can, trying is the best way to find out what you want.


If it's space saving you're after then how about the Phil Jones Briefcase, or the Genz Benz Shuttle 3.0-10T? Both very small (and a bit pricey) but I have the latter and am [b]very[/b] impressed with it as a rehearsal combo (although the 10" driver will start to honk a bit at higher volumes).



This is the perfect thread as I'm looking for exactly the same thing. I've narrowed down (I think :unsure: ) to this combo based on good reviews of the GK brand and MB115 model and the incredibly light weight of the range.


I've just bought my first bass from this forum but don't want to buy two amps (a practice amp and then another one should I decide to gig). I've also looked at similar used ones and see that they hold their value well so I'm quite wary of spending around the £150 - £180 mark plus fuel costs or carriage and then having no warranty.

I have absolutely NO experience of this kind of stuff so I'd really appreciate your comments.



Welcome to the forum Deb. That looks like a good combo for the money & with Thoman, if you don't like it, you can send it back within 30 days for a full refund (less postage).

Always worth keeping an eye in the "For Sale" section on here too as there's often a good combo for a good price.


Thanks very much for the welcome. I will keep an eye out as I'm so delighted with the ultra gorgeous bass I bought via this forum :gas:. I've not picked up a bass for 20 odd years (prev played a double bass) so I'm now well and truly hooked once again. (The practice exercises in the "Teach Yourself" book and DVD are flippin awful!)

I've borrowed two amps (a Laney RB3 and an old Fender) so I'm spoiled for choice but want to get something sorted pretty quickly.

Many thanks once again :)


I bought a Hartke Kickback 10 for rehearsal and for a semi acoustic act we have just started. It's got a good basic sound, the tone shaping is excellent and in small-medium rooms it is plenty loud enough to work with a drummer without them having to hold back at all. It's pretty good live but i wouldn't want to attempt any sort of rock with it, though it does have a DI out and the kick back feature means it is a great personal monitor. They don't make this any more but the 12 seems similar, same amp but bigger, similar speaker. It isn't much bigger than my old Peavey 20W practice amp easy to carry and gives proper bass. I'm sure other offerings are as good but I'm very happy with mine.

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