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are they really that price cause i have a 70's reissue 1984 jazz bass (japan)


[quote name='chrismuzz' timestamp='1335759049' post='1635488']
On ebay 'vintage' means anything that is dirty and worn, or looks like it might be old if you don't know anything about history and squint really hard :P

And custom means it's so sh*t there is only one of them.


It may not be vintage, but age does not make collectable, that is entirely down to condition.
E.bay is awash with folk who get the two confused.
A Dog rough old bass, is a dog rough old bass of any age
But a closet bass can be "collectable" from only a few years old once out of production.
I would say, collectable condition that will pass in to vintage collectable era within 10 years.

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