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Is my old 1977 fender jazz still out there?


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Hi all

In my youth I had a brand new sunburst fender jazz bought with an insurance payout after an RTA..... I played it till the frets wore out, I modded (butchered) it by installing a ric pickup near the fretboard, I ended up getting my local luthier (jay dee) to sort it out cos of my butchery.. I traded it in about 1984 for a custom built guitar doctor... I don't know the serial number but the bass would be identifiable by the mod..... If anyone discovered that under the pickguard of their beloved 70's jazz there was a ric pup sized route created (butchered) with wood bits and chisel, it's likely to be my old jazz...... Ring any bells? I'd be fascinated to know what happened to it....

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Could be anywhere , not all bass players come here , be nice to track it down though ! Good luck ;)
Ps I know If I had one of that vintage I would be having a good dig around in all the right places and defo before parting with any cash would want to have a look under the pick guard

Edited by gub
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