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Hi All. Im looking for decent dust covers for my peavey 4x10 cab, 1x15 and even my Firebass head if i can. There is an awesome website in USA which sell them made to fit for around £25-£30 each but the shipping is £30-£40. The gear just aint worth that much.

Anyone know of a UK based company or a decent DIY option? I can just about get a large IKEA bag over the firebass head which aint too bad!!!

Cheers, Ben


I'd be headed for RoqSolid (amplifiercoversonline.com) if I were you. If you tick the option for 'dust cover only' they leave the felt padding out, meaning you have a good, strong, water resistant cover that folds down easily at gigs.


+1 on Roqsolid - great products, swift turnaround time.

Plus, if they don`t list the cab/amp it`s needed for, you can select their custom design bit, put in the measurements, and they`ll send you a quote through.


Wouldn`t say that Ben, more that have suffered ultimate GAS since joining Basschat - it`s very dangerous on the wallet.

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