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Epifani UL310 FT/FS possibly


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Hi good condition UL310 750 watts 20 odd kgs for possible trade, thinking might go back to a markbass cab, or cabs, would need to run the full output of my LM11 at 4ohms so 2x8ohms or 1 at 4. Would consider Tech Soundsystems alternative.

Edited by phsycoandy
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[quote name='TimmyC' post='179382' date='Apr 17 2008, 11:48 PM']I wouldn't swap this for a Markbass cab in a million years...[/quote]


IMO, the UL-310 is one of the best bass cabs money can buy.

I have a UL-210 (after years of SWR) and I wouldn't change it for anything else.

Edited by Silent Fly
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[quote name='6stringbassist' post='181257' date='Apr 20 2008, 07:40 PM']It'd be a bit of a weird ohm thing though, how would that work a 5.3 and an 8, it's not something I'm very good at.[/quote]

It could only work if you had an amp that will work down to 2-ohms or you use a 2-channel power amp with the UL115 on one channel and the UL310 on the other. That's one of the reasons I've sold my UL310. You could use a 16-ohm cab with a UL310 but they are a touch rare these days.

As a single cab solution it is one of the best.

Edited by obbm
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