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Epifani Pre Gone, What heads do you reccomend?

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Posted (edited)

Hey all,

I'm really hoping with all the collective knowledge on here I might get some good advice. Here is the lowdown, I have an Epifani Quest preamp which I have been using with a big old power-amp for about a year. This hasn't been an issue as it hasn't moved but it looks like I may have found me a new band but transporting the set-up could be hard.

Basically I would really like some opinions on power amp makes, models, that could go well with the pre. I have no idea where to even start looking. Something light-ish, not hugely expensive, quiet-ish as well.

What does everyone else use/recommend?

Any comments suggestions gratefully received.



Edited by NJE

Those who know me will know what I will say next... I have much love for the 'nothing short of stunning' Powersoft 1u power amplifiers.


Unfortunately the retail prices for these amps can be prohibitive, but if you can pick up a Digam D series amp on ebay for example, you can bag a bargain.
I own a Digam D 2004 model shown here [url="http://pro-audio.powersoft.it/product_list.php?id_menu=271&obj=62"]http://pro-audio.powersoft.it/product_list...=271&obj=62[/url] - the power ouput is probably more than what is necessary for small gigs and pubs, but for touring on the big stage, with a couple of 8x10's for example, you'd never need more ;o)

at 8.5Kg it's also a very lightweight and powerful solution.

However, I am still in love with the 2.1Kg MarkBass F1 ! [url="http://www.markbass.it/products.php?lingua=en&cat=1&vedi=82"]http://www.markbass.it/products.php?lingua...t=1&vedi=82[/url]


Nathan, I deleted your duplicate post, then realised you had some other information on it. My apologies.. Here it is:-

[quote]Firstly I apologize as I have already started a similar post in the wrong area......doh!.....I hope the moderators pick it up.

I'm hoping that with all the knowledge on this site that I can get some good advide on good power-amps. I have an Epifani Quest pre-amp which I have been powering with an ok but HUGE power-amp.

I have just found myself a new band and need something transportable so looking for advice on good quality power-amps. I have no idea where to start so makes, models, and general opinions. What does everyone else use?

I cant spend a fortune and I suppose I only really need 400-800 watt and hopefully, light-ish and quiet-ish. Is there anything 1U available?

Any info or advice would be gratefully received.

Many thanks



I use mine with my Bergantino IP112 powered speaker cab.

But if it's just a poweramp that you're after, try the Crown audio XTi amps, they're digital so they have no noisy fans to drive you mad, theyr'e plenty powerful and a great price.


Posted (edited)

[quote name='dood' post='180184' date='Apr 18 2008, 10:12 PM']However, I am still in love with the 2.1Kg MarkBass F1 ! [url="http://www.markbass.it/products.php?lingua=en&cat=1&vedi=82"]http://www.markbass.it/products.php?lingua...t=1&vedi=82[/url][/quote]
I want one of those!
dood - what do they sound like? Power, etc?

Edited by peteb

Hello all,

Thanks ever so much for the suggestions, got lots of googling to get on with this morning to check out whats been suggested. Dood, thanks for sorting out the other post, had a bit of a no brainer posting in the wrong place.

I have read something about the QSC amps before and they look pretty tasty, and the digital Crown sounds cool too. BIG surprise was the powered Bergantino cabs.....never knew they existed BRILLIANT!!!

Thanks very much so far guys, lots to think about.


[quote name='NJE' post='180345' date='Apr 19 2008, 10:10 AM']Hello all,

Thanks ever so much for the suggestions, got lots of googling to get on with this morning to check out whats been suggested. Dood, thanks for sorting out the other post, had a bit of a no brainer posting in the wrong place.

I have read something about the QSC amps before and they look pretty tasty, and the digital Crown sounds cool too. BIG surprise was the powered Bergantino cabs.....never knew they existed BRILLIANT!!!

Thanks very much so far guys, lots to think about.[/quote]

The Berg cabs sound brilliant, and work really well with the Epifani pre.


Speak to Mark at bass direct.


What are you going to be using for cabs? QSC has 2 amps in the PLX2 series that are not bridgeable if you do not need that feature. They PLX1804 runs about 800 watts @ 4ohms & 550 watts @ 8ohms per side. weight is 6kg nice & light.


Thanks again for all the help,

just a bit more detail, I am using the epifani and a Ashdown ABM 4x8 Cab which I think is around 500 watt?

I basically want something around the 400-800w range I think.

Does anyone have opinions on the Crown xs500? there is one for sale on here from SKELF. its £200 with gator case and I'm contemplating it. ARGHHHH decisions.

I put the epifani up for sale in a moment of madness, but part of me just wants to sel it still and get an EAiamp or Markbass, so small and easy.

thanks again


[quote name='peteb' post='180234' date='Apr 18 2008, 11:57 PM']I want one of those!
dood - what do they sound like? Power, etc?[/quote]

Ahhh there's a few posts I have made about the F!, including on a thread about the LMII Vs the F1. It is big and deep sounding, very clear and surprisingly flexible. Light as a feather and has really changed my mind about MB gear. I am very impressed, as the head has proved itself in a band situation. Still not 100% sure about the cabs though. Havent found one I lik ethe sound of yet.

On the subject of the Berg cabs.... here's how to make ANY cab powered / active. These are BRILLIANT. I owned one myself. Just slot it in the back of your cab, connect the leads and you have a active box that needs no preamp!




Ok so I know I had some good advice on power amps and now Im after some more advice but of a different nature.

Very sadly th epifani went up for sale and hopefully should be gone by the end of the night. The problem I now have is that

1. I am amp-less
2. I have No idea what to buy

I'm looking at small and light with an approx max budget of £500. so I am looking at:

Euphonic Audio: Iamp300 or secondhand Iamp600 OPINIONS?
MarkBass : LMK, little mark 250, TA450 (I think) OPINIONS?
EDEN: I Dont know if there is anything available in my range IDEAS?

I know Dood promotes the use of the MarkBass F1 (bit out of my range) but what do you guys think about these amp and do you suggest anything else. Will of course scount around the forum for opinions too.



i am sure i found a european site (german or french from memory) selling the F1 for not much over £500. cant for the life of me remember which on it was though


Not sure when they will be out in the UK but you could look at the Genz-Benz Shuttle 6.0. Price I saw was approx 539 Pounds (I don't have the pound symbol). The GB is 600 watts and weighs nothing 1.70 kg.

Also way cheaper but not sure when available is the Ashdown Little Giant 1000 for 325 Pounds. Weight 3.5 kg.

I previously had the Eden WT550. great amp but probably out of your price range. Eden has the WTX-260 that's really light but IMO it's not very powerful and not in the same league (yet) as the Genz Benz, EA, etc...


Well paid a visit to the music shop in Cardiff on saturday and tried out some Markbass heads. I tried the litlle mark 250 and the SA450. I also tried an ebs gorm combo to get an idea of the sound.

I have to say I had my reservation about Markbass for some reason but I really really liked the sounds and the two funky VLE VPF controls were quite snazzy. EBS was good but didnt really give a good idea as the shop was noisy.

Thanks for the input for heads, I have heard good things about the genzbenz stuff, trying it may be an issue though. I called Overwater on friday and the Iamp 300 is out of the running. All sold out and none in until July. I spoke to Laurence I think and he was so nice and helpful. He also offered me and EXTREMELY good deal on an Iamp 500, but it was still just a bit too much for me, but Top Top guy.

So result is I am thinking about going for Markbass at the moment and am going to look around for a good deal.

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