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Boschma Cases, Best Customer Service experience I have ever had

Guest teamcoy

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Guest teamcoy


I recently bought myself a Mesa D-180 and I love it. I decided that I wanted to get a shallow rack for it and did some scouring.

Having seen a few of the Boschma cases I was infinitely impressed with their build and price.

I do not really like black ABS rack cases, don't ask me why, it is just one of those things.

So anyway, I digress, on looking at their website I saw that they make non music cases in a wide range of colours. I thought what the hell and so sent an enquiry email asking what the chances were of getting one of their shallow 4U racks in a colour that was not black.

Within 30 minutes of sending my enquiry I received a reply from Sjouke Boschma himself asking how many units I wanted and what colour. I replied explaining that while I understand if they would only be willing to do a larger run, I was just wanting one case to use for myself. His next response two minutes later: what colour do you want?

I couldn't believe that I got a response so quickly, not only that but he was so keen to help provide me with what I thought was a long shot. Apparently not.

About 3 weeks later I had my rack case. Sjouke really is the man. He shipped it with an existing palette order destined to the UK and I was only charged a small top up by flightcasewarehouse.co.uk (less than £10) and ultimately got exactly what I wanted.

I just wanted to share this experience with you all, I would recommend buying Boschma to anyone who asked for my opinion and likely anyone who didn't.

Thanks to Sjouke, all at [url="http://boschmacases.com/"]Boschma[/url] and Sam at flighcasewarehouse.co.uk.


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+1 for Boschma. I had a small problem with my 6U case with the rubber feet of the bottom popping off and eventually I managed to lose one. A quick email to Boschma enquiring about availability and price of spares and got a email back saying that idf I sent them my address, they's put a set in the post for me. New feet arrived before the end of the week. Excellent service!

BTW that red case looks tasty!

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Guest teamcoy

Cheers BigRedX, it is indeed the best looking rack case I have seen.

So pleased and couldn't be happier with the service, If only more companies were this friendly.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest teamcoy

They only officially do them in black.

I just contacted them and they seemed willing to do them in whatever colour. Absolutely awesome case and company.

If you have a look on their website [url="http://www.boschmacases.com/html/boschmacustom.html"]here[/url], you can see that they do things for lots of trades and in loads of cool colours.

Am sure that if you were to email Sjouke, he could make an orange one for you umcoo.

Cheers to all of you who have chimed in, the more people that see this thread the better. Can't thank them enough.


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Guest teamcoy

Also, when I set up this thread, I sent a link of it on to Sjouke with my cheers very much email.

Upshot of this is that Basschat.co.uk is now linked and mentioned on their [url="http://www.boschmacases.com/index.html"]homepage[/url], cool stuff.

Go Boschma.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest teamcoy

Bump for new pics.

Have it at home after a couple of rainy gigs.

Still really happy with the case, carry handle is also a great shape, fills your hand nicely and avoids the normal cut and dig you get with flight cases. Had to carry it about 300m last night from car to venue due to parking woes. With 30kg of amp in it I was expecting at least a tender palm, thankfully not.

Only small negative is that one of the feet popped off the bottom as I slid it around in my boot, just need to stretch it back over the washer.

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Guest teamcoy

Have a look [url="http://www.flightcasewarehouse.co.uk/music/typeproducts2.asp?id=5416-7216"]here[/url] warwickhunt. About 60 of our earth Pounds.

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[quote name='teamcoy' timestamp='1340455280' post='1704648']
Only small negative is that one of the feet popped off the bottom as I slid it around in my boot, just need to stretch it back over the washer.

This is the only design fault I can find with the case. Since the rest of it is a one-piece moulding including the handles I don't know why they didn't make the feet part of it instead of being screw on. I manage to pop one off my case every other month. Luckily so far I've only lost one and Boschma were kind enough to send me 4 free replacements.

Don't try and force the foot back over the washer, it'll just come off again next time you slide the case off whatever it's standing on. You need to undo the screw and re-attach it properly.

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  • 1 year later...
Guest teamcoy

Bump for Boschma, case is still going strong.

Only niggle is the rubber feet on the bottom which I bolted and double washered on after the rivets lost the battle against my boot carpet.

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Over four years on and my 6U case is still going strong. Only visible wear is some scuff-marks to the corners of the lids.

As a testament to the strength and protection these case offer I had a bit of an accident with mine earlier this year. Loading out after a rehearsal and my legs got tangled up the in the straps of Mr Venom's man-bag. I would have fallen flat on my face except that the Boschma case I was carrying got in the way. So essentially it dropped about 3 feet onto hard pavement with my full weight behind it. I bashed my head on the case so hard that I was actually dazed for several minutes and had split my chin open requiring a trip to A&E and 8 stitches to close it up. The case was a bit bloody but otherwise it and it's contents were completely undamaged.

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