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Ashdown C115 300 MAG EVO II combi + 210T Deep Cab!!! £350 ono

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Ashdown C115 300 MAG EVO II combi + 210T Deep Cab!!! £350 ono

Bought 2 years ago and barely used, like new condition!

Collection preferred, depends on location!

<Img src="http://a8.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/577187_10151599501820596_573105595_23800253_673541593_n.jpg>

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Its an Audio-Technica atw r700/atw t701 wireless kit. There are two Ariel on the front, one got snapped and the other dented when some klutz moved my gear when I wasn't looking :( the broke Ariel has been duct taped however the kit still works - was 100 new could take 30 for it! Have got someone who is interested in the wireless ATM but they wanted to test it out on Tuesday coming.

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