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I'm after a little advice!

I currently have a Markbass Standard 151HF and Little Mark II, and an old Peavey TKO65.

I use the Peavey for small venues and quiet rehearsals but weighs a flippin' ton! I'm looking to get rid of it and acquiring some form of Markbass 102 to both use with the 151 and on its own as required!

Question is: Which would be the best investment? Currently, I am swaying towards the Combo and selling on my LMII. But I wanted to get some knowledgable feedback from you gents on here!

Cheers, in advance!



I have the MarkBass 104 HR, it's amazing! But I have a small car (ooh matron) and was after a matching 102, I got the 102P and it's one of the best add-ons to my kit bag I've made. I now have essentially 3 rigs, a 2x10 for most things, a 4x10 if I want a bigger sound for outdoors gigs etc, and I can put the 2 together and have a 6x10 when required.

The advantage I've gained with the 102P is that it fits in the boot of my car with the seats up and parcel shelf in. This has made life soo much easier. They have a surprising amount of bottom end to them to. I don't see any reason why you couldn't use the 102P with the 115 HF, as long as they match ohm-age wise.



I've got the CMD 102p too & it's a very good 2x10 combo. If I was in your position & you like the sound of the cab you have, look at the CMD115 to avoid mixing driver sizes.

Other option is to sell your cab & get 2 2x10 cabs (or a 102 HF & CMD 102p). Another option that I would consider is selling your cabs, keeping your amp & getting a Barefaced cab.

Much research ensues to see what's gonna suit your needs & it's all good fun. :D


hi wookie i have a markbass combo 2x10 and it really does the job i play in a rock band with a guitarist who has a marshalll stack and a drummer who thinks hes building a shed if i have to do any big venues i use my 151hf with my combo and the sound is awsom . I also have a ampeg stack which is fantastic and a ashdown plus peavey gear and the markbass is by far in my opinion the best

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No experience from using Markbass, but a band I see regularly, their bassist has a 310 Markbass combo, and he get`s a great sound, never gets lost in the mix either, so am sure a 210 combo with a 115 cab would cover virtually all scenarios.


Go for the front ported 2x10, throws out the low end better and it seems louder than the others... The 102HF cab has a better tweeter in it than the combo, if you actually use yours.


[quote name='chrismuzz' timestamp='1337668678' post='1663566']
Go for the front ported 2x10, throws out the low end better and it seems louder than the others... The 102HF cab has a better tweeter in it than the combo, if you actually use yours.
This. Having owned both the markbass cabs. Infact I used both together. Great cabs.


Thanks for all the input fellas! I feel some time at my local bass cavern is in order to try out the options!! No rest for the wicked ; )


Just to chuck in my 2 cents the Markbass CMD102p is a cracking amp and would be even if it weighed as much as whale. But amazingly it is ridiculously lightweight! If you want a 2x10 that isn't going to do your back in then it ticks both boxes pretty well: awesome tone, lightweight.

It's fairly chunky for a 2x10 so as a plus you'll look awesome effortlessly carrying what to the unknowing eye looks like it should weigh a ton!


[quote name='Mark_Andertons' timestamp='1337812671' post='1666026']
Just to chuck in my 2 cents the Markbass CMD102p is a cracking amp and would be even if it weighed as much as whale. But amazingly it is ridiculously lightweight! If you want a 2x10 that isn't going to do your back in then it ticks both boxes pretty well: awesome tone, lightweight.

It's fairly chunky for a 2x10 so as a plus you'll look awesome effortlessly carrying what to the unknowing eye looks like it should weigh a ton!

+1 to this. My first ever experience with markbass was one of these paired with an STD 102HF, about 5 years ago. First time I ever truly lusted after an amp! I prefer the 1" compression driver to the piezo tweeters though... not to say that they're bad, i've just been spoiled! :lol:


Not a lot in it at all. It really depends on what you like the sound of & the best advice is to go to somewhere that stocks a few different brands (likes of Bass Direct).


The Markbass 102HF is 43lb, not 50. So a good bit lighter than the Berg by over 10lb (that's like carrying an extra bass on top of it!).


I had originally thought that your info was right & then though "my 2x10 combo is 44lb & it's @ the same size", so had a check on MB's site.


[quote name='wookie' timestamp='1337612012' post='1662746']
....Question is: Which would be the best investment?....

I think you're looking at this the wrong way around. The question should be; “What's the best sound?” I've heard 2 players getting a great sound out of Markbass, and they both used 2 102HF cabs. One used an LM3 and the other the LMK. So your amp would work very well.

I have to say I don't like combos. They are less flexible, more complicated to upgrade, heavier and more expensive to buy. I think the larger 210 gets the better tone and 2 together makes for a loud, full and fat toned, easy to move, modular rig.

I'd get 1 102HF cab and see how it fits in with your LM2 and 115. You might want to stop upgrading right there.
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[quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1337938731' post='1667590']
I have to say I don't like combos. They are less flexible, more complicated to upgrade, heavier and more expensive to buy. I think the larger 210 gets the better tone and 2 together makes for a loud, full and fat toned, easy to move, modular rig.

I'd get 1 102HF cab and see how it fits in with your LM2 and 115. You might want to stop upgrading right there.


I'd usually agree, but the MB 2x10 combo is 44lb, so only 1lb more & is the same size as teh 102HF.


Thanks guys! A lot of differing views!
The proof of the pudding, is indeed, in the eating, however!
I am still somewhat drawn towards the combo, but think I'll try out all the options before committing!! (And thanks for the offer Chrismanbass!)
Thanks to all, very useful! 😊

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