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Used it in anger last night - Jesus the output is hot!!

It was clipping my wireless system!

I'm at half volume on the bass and it's still peaking on my amp.

How do you control this beast??


I never use the active settings on mine, it really doesn't need any help being heard :)

Yes, series mode does give you a higher output. If your amp has an active input or a pad switch then maybe try using that, even though the bass is inherently passive? Otherwise, set the amp input gain accordingly so that your preamp isn't clipping.

Seeing Ed Friedland go through all the settings in this video I found most helpful in getting my head round it all:



I find having the master volume on about 75% is critical for not overdoing things. I generally run it passive too - roll off the tone control to get a great mid honk too.

Posted (edited)


I'm having real trouble with this bass :rolleyes:

I couldn't set the intonation properly - turns out the pickups are so powerful it pulls the strings towards them when its being set so everything was # !!

I've had to set the pickups as low as they can go - set the intonation than bring the pickups back up until it starts affecting the tuning and lower them again slightly!! What a palaver!

This can't be right can it??

Edited by grunge666

[quote name='Ou7shined' timestamp='1338541947' post='1675956']
I use MFD pups all the time and have never witnessed this myself. :mellow:

Could I ask what the pickup clearance you have?

Mine's nearly 1cm!

Posted (edited)

[quote name='grunge666' timestamp='1338542191' post='1675962']
Could I ask what the pickup clearance you have?

Mine's nearly 1cm!

On my vintage L-1000 (which has a slightly hotter pup) the clearance from the top of the pup to the bottom of the E string is 4mm. On my main squeeze which uses the same neck pup as yours it is a gnat's under that.

edit : both measurements are from the bridge side of the neck pup.

Edited by Ou7shined

Don't forget too (although I think I may be opening another can of worms for you here) that you can adjust the pups responsiveness (and equilibrium) by raising and lowering the hex heads. Just so you don't get too hung up on it though, mine are pretty much flush with a wee step up for the A and D poles.


Clipping? Just relax and give it some time. When it's done with the DC, it will eventually go back to normal. Then you can play stuff for some time before it goes back to DC again. Simple physics! :lol:


Well after 2 gigs with this monster, I just can't get on with this at all.
It has to be me but, I love the neck... and that's about it!! :-/
The output is too hot and a pain changing basses and amp settings during gigs.
It'll have to let her go :(


Does lowering the pickups not solve two problems for you, both in terms of output and magnetic pull? Pickups don't need to be close to the strings, set them wherever works.

Posted (edited)

Set the volume, treble and bass controls on the instrument at 75-80% of their travel. There is plenty output, you don't need to set everything on 100% and it gives you some wiggle room should you need it (like for balancing the volume between series and parallel). Keep it passive - I really find the active thing (which is just a line boost, nothing more) rather pointless given how hot it is anyway.

According to your signature you use an Ampeg SVT3 Pro. I feel a bit silly and like I'm being cheeky and telling you how to operate your own amp, but I'll ask the questions anyway.

Have you tried using the -15dB pad switch (even if the L-2000 is in passive mode) to give you more travel on the gain control?
Have you set the gain while plucking strings as hard as you are likely to for your playing style so that it's just tickling the peak LED?

Also, resist the urge to fiddle with the bass! There are a lot of switches and stuff to play with but your best bet is to work out in practice/rehearsal what sounds best and then stick with it. I know it's rich coming from someone who modded mine to give me even more options (single coil mod giving me the inner coils) but my favourite sound is when I'm using both inner coils together (in a parallel fashion) - it's kind of like having a third pickup in between where the two actual ones are. It rarely moves from that setting.

Hope that helps, and please don't interpret the above as condescending, I'm only trying to help because these really are fantastic basses and I'd hate for your judgement of them to be coloured by a negative experience which might not be the bass's fault.

Edited by neepheid

[quote name='krazy_olie' timestamp='1339086113' post='1683457']
The output is hot but I usually just turn the volume down if I need

This. I've used it live next to a passive P bass with no issues. If you cant get on with it at all then of course move it on but be aware that it is easily rectifiable with delicate adjustment of the volume pot.


Thanks for the suggestions.

I use a Spector Legend and Rex4 as well as a P with hot DiMarzios and I can cope with changes live with no messing at all with my amp.
I so want to love this bass, I'm sure it's the pickup height that is the major problem.
There's thread after thread regarding this 'issue' on the bassesbyleo forum dating back years.
I'm going to spend another few hours setting it up again, reset to the settings in the manual and start again.
I've got to find the sweet spot!
I ran it passive/parallel and at about half volume at one gig and it was a passable P tone. I Iove the series thump but, it was too much, too boomy - whic,h to me, points at the pups again. I do give it some when I play with a 'Steve Harris Style' though - it's just a totally different beast to anything I've ever played before!
I'll stick with it for now and report back!
Thanks again guys, it is really appreciated and I take no offence to any of the comments . . . So far!! ;-D

Posted (edited)

Cool. I'm interested to see how you get on. I have something l2000 shaped heading this way in the post as we speak :D

Edited by Doctor J

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