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String position and Amp/mic questions


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Is it my imagination....or do some upright bass players swap the strings around,,as in the E string on the right as you look at it rather than on the left ??? ..It makes sense, as with rockabilly you are mainly playing the bottom 2 strings....

Also......the whole mic set-up and amp/pre amp thing confuses the hell out of me.......can anyone explain what set up I would need for playing rockabilly ??? preferably without costing an arm and a leg.

I use a decent bass guitar amp at the moment (not mine) ..and would like to use it with the upright when I get it if possible.

cheers Chris

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[quote name='marvin spangles' timestamp='1338664870' post='1677866']
Was the bass player left handed perhaps?

lol....nope...she was right handed. And probably the best rockabilly bass player Ive ever seen. I spent the whole night just watching her hands....which wasnt easy considering how short her skirt was :gas:

I could be wrong about the strings....but it looked like it to me....also Ive noticed all the players I have seen recently use the right hand 2 strings most of the time...and on the guitar I use mostly the E and A string...which are surely the left hand two strings on the bass.

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[quote name='marvin spangles' timestamp='1338672883' post='1677998']
Hey ChrisF
Hope I didn't insult you re my comment. No offence intended. So who's this rockabilly bassist that I have to see? ha ha

lol...nah mate..Im not offended......the lady`s name is Emma Goss.....lots of her on youtube etc....but see her live if you can. She teaches apparently...and she isnt that far from me....so I might get a couple of lessons when I get mine.... as Im totally new to the upright.

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So I did a search on here about where to store my upright when I get it. And it seems that Im just about the only person here that doesnt have a music room :o ....instead Ive got 4 kids...and no room :D

I know I cant lay it on its back.etc...but I was hoping that someone on here had thought of someway of storing it that I hadnt. I honestly dont have any idea as to where Im gonna put it....not that its gonna stop me from getting one.....but any ideas for a very crowded house would be good B)

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[quote name='EssentialTension' timestamp='1338735969' post='1678617']
The best way is to keep moving it from one room to another so that no one notices that you have it.

I like ya thinking :D :D

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One example of how it appears that way: metal is, of course, more dense (heavier) than gut. So it is common to wrap the gut E string, and sometimes also the A string, with a metal wrap, just like a standard all steel or synthetic core string, for tuning stability. So this results in these two strings actually being smaller in diameter than would be expected if the string were all gut, which for an E string is really large in diameter by comparison.

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On the room Q, do you have a spare corner? Bass on a stand in the corner takes up surprisingly little space. Less likely to be knocked over on a stand as well.

As far as preamps go, don;t feel you have to go all out for the expensive Fishman's. Something like a £60 DHA DI/EQ does the impedance matching job fine and has a nice parametric eq as well.

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[quote name='fatback' timestamp='1338842762' post='1680012']
On the room Q, do you have a spare corner? Bass on a stand in the corner takes up surprisingly little space. Less likely to be knocked over on a stand as well.

As far as preamps go, don;t feel you have to go all out for the expensive Fishman's. Something like a £60 DHA DI/EQ does the impedance matching job fine and has a nice parametric eq as well.

thankyou,thankyou,thankyou.......thats answered my question, as far as the amp question went...brilliant. B)

as for the spare corner......er..nope..not really. Conservatory...too hot in the summer and too cold in the winter. Lounge....hmmm......well I have a 2 1/2 year old daughter.....and not really any spare corners..so thats out. Its got to the point where Im seriously considering removing one of the fitted wardrobes from my bedroom to give me room...but then Im gonna have to lug it up n down the stairs. Got a cupboard...but its too low to stand it up and not big enough to lay it down..........ah well, these things are sent to try us......I will keep thinking.... and wandering round my house with a tape measure :D

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[quote name='ChrisF' timestamp='1338849223' post='1680126']
can you give me a bit more info on the DHA DI/EQ ??? Ive done a google search and cant find anything :blush:


Just seen that the price has gone up to £94 now. Still well worth it, but you might well find one second hand on here.

The stuff is very well made indeed and terrific value. Also, Dave posts on here, so you can ask questions if you need to.

There are a couple more functions on the Fishman, for example phase shifting. I've never needed that. Notch filtering too (to cut feedback), but you can do that with the DHA anyhow. Also, if your amp doesn't have a high pass filter to get rid of extreme lows, you can tweak that on the DHA as well. The DI on that preamp is very good indeed.

Edited by fatback
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How about this ???..............[url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/200685163526?ssPageName=STRK:MEBIDX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1952.l2649"]http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/200685163526?ssPageName=STRK:MEBIDX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1952.l2649[/url]

or this ???........ [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/190377417940?ssPageName=STRK:MEBIDX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1952.l2649"]http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/190377417940?ssPageName=STRK:MEBIDX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1952.l2649[/url]

no pre amp needed apparently.....and a good price. Baring in mind that I will only be using it for practice for quite some time.......

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I've no experience of either of those.

The Bassmax is one of the most popular with BCers. You might get one on here for £50-ish.


A lot of folks find they don't need a preamp with it, but that depends on your amp. I wouldn't worry too much about a clicky transducer just yet, not until you get the basic sound sorted out.

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[quote name='ChrisF' timestamp='1338928425' post='1681342']
Can you get them in the UK ??? ....Im not very comfortable with ordering stuff from abroad.
You can certainly get them from Thomann in Germany but I've ordered stuff from Gollihur in US with no problems whatsoever. From the US you need to allow for possibly having to pay approx 25% in tax and duty but you may get away with it if you're lucky.

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[quote name='ChrisF' timestamp='1338933871' post='1681464']
Blimey...bit pricey...maybe something for the future. They have a few pickups on the Thomann site that are more in my price range for now.

Why not put a 'wanted' thread on BC?

+1 to Golihur being reliable. First class service and delivery in days.

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+1 on Bob Gollihur. Along with Upton he's really one the main, and most established double bass dealwrs in the world. Grerat bloke, friendly service.

Pickups - you can get an Underwood direct from Vivace violins in London. I prefer it to Bassmax, it's less fussy about positioning, and will happily go direct into any amp with a decent high impedance input. About £130 these days. But the TM pickup on ebay gets very good reviews. Dave, who makes them, posts over on doublebasschat.com, he's a very reliable chap.

That's the best forum for tips on set up and technique for rockabilly. Many very well known playwers post there.

I don't think Emma Goss reverses her strings. As previous posters have said, it's most likely the strings, Rotosound could be the answer.
Also, almost all double bass playing happens around the top two strings, as the lower ones are so low, and can be indistinct if you're using nylion or gut as many slappers do. So where you're used to playing A/E on the bottom strings of a guitar or bass guitar, on upright you'll certainly play the top A/E 90% of the tuime.

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