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Hi everyone,

I was hoping to get some advice from the clever people here.

I have been playing in a 20-piece big band for 15 years, using a variety of basses and amps over the years. I am currently using a GK MB150S combo, which has been my only amp for about 7 years, and an MTD KZ5.

Up until now, the GK combo has been, surprisingly given the size of the band, extremely capable at both rehearsals and gigs. However, with my new active bass, the amp appears to be struggling, so I can see a couple of options available:

1. Get an MB112X extension cab. Would this be enough?
2. Get a new setup entirely, preferable seperates. Ideas for this, and this is very much driven by a limited budget, are: Ashdown MAG 200 head (300 if good price) or similar power/price range, and a GK Backline 410BLX cab or similar power/price range.

Thoughts? :)


Why is it struggling just because you've bought an active bass?

Assuming that you are not playing louder then turn the input gain down, or the bass volume down. Sounds like the actives are hammering the preamp a bit hard.

Posted (edited)

Hi Fretmeister,
As you can tell, I'm no expert on things like this. It could well be just a coincidence that the first time I used the active bass, we played a gig in a larger venue than we have done before. As a result, I had to turn up, and I don't think the single 12" speaker could handle it, especially with the low B. Or it could be that years of gigging on what was already purchased second-hand for £60 has just worn it out.
Either way, it's an excuse for GAS.

Edited by ianrendall

I borrowed an MB150S combo and while it sounded ok, I found that the extension cab made it sound 10 times better. I also think that the limiting factor with this combo is the size of the cab.

You can get much better sounding rigs. I'd look at a good 112 and an amp like the Markbass LM3.


Without sounding rude,have you thought about changing the battery in the guitar? Sometimes with active basses when the battery starts to die the volume drops.If anything you should be a little louder with an active bass.


Yes, I have changed the battery. A lovely Duracell no less!
I think I've made the decision to sell the MB150 (any offers? :D ) and fund a decent head. I doubt I'll have enough funds left over for a cab, but I can borrow a friends 15" Trace until I can afford my own.


[quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1340281377' post='1702190']
You can get much better sounding rigs. I'd look at a good 112 and an amp like the Markbass LM3.
+1 to this
Getting my markbass LMT (which I use clean 99% of the time) and my epifani UL2 112 was the best buy ever!

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