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Choosing a Cable


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Finally upgraded to a Danelectro Wild Thing Bass at the weekend which I am loving. I am now looking to upgrade my other equipment. I must admit I am a novice when it comes to bass amps & cables. I have just been using basic £9.99 cables (don't even know the make).
A few people (non bass players) have said that the quality of my guitar cable can make a big difference to my quality of sound so I thought I would ask the experts, i.e basschat members, for an opinion/ advice.

How much of a difference can the quality of a guitar cable make?

Any suggestions of make and prices to pay for a quality cable would be appreciated.

Thanks Flash

ps My current amp is a Behringer 90 watt bass and I currently play 50's & 60's rock n roll, oasis, Chilli Peppers, Kings of Leon,etc. Mainly birthday party's, weddings, charity gigs.

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I may as well start the avalanche of replies that will endorse OBBM cables - you cannot buy better for the money and the service is second to none.

If you have soldering skills or want to learn them then you may *just* manage to do it cheaper yourself using good quality components. I have fiddled about recently as a way of improving my soldering but in all honesty will go back to buying them from OBBM.

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[quote name='Paul S' timestamp='1340962290' post='1712005']
I may as well start the avalanche of replies that will endorse OBBM cables - you cannot buy better for the money and the service is second to none.

If you have soldering skills or want to learn them then you may *just* manage to do it cheaper yourself using good quality components. I have fiddled about recently as a way of improving my soldering but in all honesty will go back to buying them from OBBM.


[url=http://www.bassic-bits.co.uk/]And here's his web site[/url]


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I've been using Cleartone cables for a while now. Neutrik plugs, made to order, Van Damme cable - far better than anything I've used in the past and very well priced.


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[quote name='FLASH' timestamp='1340960990' post='1711980']

A few people (non bass players) have said that the quality of my guitar cable can make a big difference to my quality of sound

Important to bear in mind quality and price aren't linked. Suitable cable connected properly to suitable connectors is all that is needed.

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Yes, as Mr Foxen says, quality and price aren`t linked. OBBMs cables are a fraction more expensive than mainstream cables you can find in shops, but the difference in quality is amazing.

A good way of describing them is that when you plug your bass in with them for the first time, it sounds like you`ve changed your strings - more depth & clarity to the sound.

So another +1 for OBBM from me.

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Thanks Guys for all the feedback, much appreciated. I will certainly be ordering a new cable from OBBM.

Hi Oranger Whip - Definitely loving the Wild Thing Bass makes playing so much easier compared to my first and only bass (Tanglewood Rebel) . A lot lighter and a thinner neck which suits my small hands. It also has the added bonus of looking great so all round happy with it. Still keeping my faithful Tanglewood as a back up and probably going to re-string to learn slap bass on.
Besides I always felt a little inadequate having just 1 bass when nearly everyone on basschat has numerous basses. I'm moving up in the world!!! LOL

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[quote name='FLASH' timestamp='1341224034' post='1715252']
I will certainly be ordering a new cable from OBBM.[/quote]

Bit late to this obviously, and the work is already done! I will add to the obbm love, though.
You really cannot go wrong. :D

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