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Bass Guitar Magazine editor

Joel McIver

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[quote name='Cosmo Valdemar' timestamp='1358021671' post='1932080']
Two identical reviews of a Fender acoustic bass in this month's issue...
Just got mine delivered. Went straight to the Yolanda Charles interview to be followed by the Mike Lull Bass review.....................................only to see the duplicated Fender Acoustic review. My subscription is up for renewal, not going to happen.
Whilst proof reading every word is a pain, (but a necessity IMHO), a quick flick through the mag would have spotted this error in seconds.

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[quote name='BassBunny' timestamp='1358350853' post='1937548']Whilst proof reading every word is a pain, (but a necessity IMHO), a quick flick through the mag would have spotted this error in seconds.[/quote]

To be fair, and on reflection of my contempt earlier - and assuming it's outsourced to a printer & not done in-house. It's more a printer's error that the magazine's; the bloke who imposed the pages must have been asleep. Though "print & be damned, we'll catch it on the reprint" is still a common tactic at many large printers, who deserve to suffer the consequences.

I once worked at a printer's near Edinburgh that ran 1000's of calendars for The Scotsman. One of the adverts in it for Edinburgh biggest taxi firm, read "NO contract work", which I thought strange and queried with our sales. Boss says "Run it, we'll get more money off the reprint - it'll be a rush job". I was outraged & sales found out it should have read "NO surcharges on contract work".
Rather than get the reprint they lost the contract, they still did it to other customers though, leaving it wide open to take-over and closure.- which is what happened.

Edited by Big_Stu
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[quote name='Big_Stu' timestamp='1358352487' post='1937599']To be fair, and on reflection of my contempt earlier - and assuming it's outsourced to a printer & not done in-house. It's more a printer's error that the magazine's; the bloke who imposed the pages must have been asleep.[/quote]

Can't agree. Page make-up is not done by a printer, it's done in-house by the editorial department or outsourced to a freelancer designer. Irrespective of who carries out page make-up a dummy issue will be reviewed by the editorial department or the editor before sign-off for publication. Duplication of an article is a clear indication of lax or non-existent editorial procedures. The only head on the chopping block for this sort of mistake is the magazine's.

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[quote name='noelk27' timestamp='1358359071' post='1937803']
Can't agree. Page make-up is not done by a printer, it's done in-house by the editorial department or outsourced to a freelancer designer. Irrespective of who carries out page make-up a dummy issue will be reviewed by the editorial department or the editor before sign-off for publication. Duplication of an article is a clear indication of lax or non-existent editorial procedures. The only head on the chopping block for this sort of mistake is the magazine's.
Beat me to it.

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[quote name='noelk27' timestamp='1358359071' post='1937803']
Can't agree. Page make-up is not done by a printer, it's done in-house by the editorial department or outsourced to a freelancer designer. Irrespective of who carries out page make-up a dummy issue will be reviewed by the editorial department or the editor before sign-off for publication. Duplication of an article is a clear indication of lax or non-existent editorial procedures. The only head on the chopping block for this sort of mistake is the magazine's.

No, but page imposition is. Not having seen it I have to go off what's been said here & it's absolutely identical in it's duplication???. (an easy test is if the page folios are duplicated too, if they are then it's more likely the printer, if they read on as they should then chances are it's the designer)
Like I said, that depends on who prints it. It may be that all of the magazine's procedures were followed, but if a comp in the printers (or more than one if it's a big place) puts the same pages in twice, the magazine would be none the wiser until they get their press copy. With modern imposition software it's very easily done. Saw it more times than I should over the years.

Edited by Big_Stu
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[quote name='Big_Stu' timestamp='1358362189' post='1937883']
No, but page imposition is. Not having seen it I have to go off what's been said here & it's absolutely identical in it's duplication???. (an easy test is if the page folios are duplicated too, if they are then it's more likely the printer, if they read on as they should then chances are it's the designer)
Like I said, that depends on who prints it. It may be that all of the magazine's procedures were followed, but if a comp in the printers (or more than one if it's a big place) puts the same pages in twice, the magazine would be none the wiser until they get their press copy. With modern imposition software it's very easily done. Saw it more times than I should over the years.
So if the printers put the same pages in twice they would have the same page numbers? They haven't. Exactly the same review with different page numbers.

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[quote name='BassBunny' timestamp='1358371210' post='1938165']So if the printers put the same pages in twice they would have the same page numbers?[/quote]
Correct - in the vast majority of cases IME.

[quote name='BassBunny' timestamp='1358371210' post='1938165']They haven't. Exactly the same review with different page numbers.[/quote]
Then it's as I said originally then, a fairly major (for a magazine) & very basic blunder. I reinstate my "ouch :facepalm: " of an earlier page. :)

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I'm normally fairly OK with the odd proof reading error but this month, with it's double Fender/no Lull problem (whoever's fault it was), has got me seeing errors everywhere. The Cort 5 string review states 'a white body with a black scratch plate' right next to a picture of said bass with a tort p/g. The Zon review talks about 'the right cut or boost courtesy of the appropriate control' only to say a little further on 'This is a passive instrument......... some players may feel that active circuitry should be an option at this price point.' Er...... And then in the tech spec boxes of the reviewed pedals seems to have switched the country of manufacture compared to the review. Furthermore the Aphex review says the pedal is 'labelled for Acoustic Guitar/Bass/Electric Guitar' but a quick look at the picture reveal the words 'Voiced Especially For Basses'.

A very poor effort this month guys. Come on get it together.

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[quote name='ezbass' timestamp='1358435687' post='1939096']
. Furthermore the Aphex review says the pedal is 'labelled for Acoustic Guitar/Bass/Electric Guitar' but a quick look at the picture reveal the words 'Voiced Especially For Basses'.
I think the photo showed the old style Xciter-the newer ones look totally different.

I don't normally say things about the magazine, but the Fender/Lull mix up is pretty inexcusable.....although I was more concerned that
Mike Keneally was only referenced as a 'singer-songwriter' and that the Bryan Beller article didn't go deeper into their work together.

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" Hopefully Joel will be along soon to clarify matters. "

Noticed after his initial contact, he doesn't seem to have been on since and maybe that's not a bad thing..I'd be happier if he was sorting out all the errors and producing a decent magazine rather than apologising to us lot, who to be frank have sometimes nothing better to do than be picky....! (And yes it is annoying but nobody died)
From what I understand from speaking to a past Editor, it is produced on a [s]bass[/s]shoe string.

Doubtless the offending Mike Lull review will be along next month...... ;)

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Errors in the Zon Sonus review too.

Stating that it's passive while at the same time claiming it has cut and BOOST.

If they meant passive pickups with an active EQ circuit then they should say that. But if a bass has a battery then it is active.

I have a Sonus about 5 feet away from me at the moment... and if I didn't know (or hope) better I'd say that the reviewer spent less than 5 mins with the review model, or did it from the spec sheets.

A page and a half of generic crap on a £3000 instrument is sub standard.

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[quote name='yorks5stringer' timestamp='1358436962' post='1939133']
" Hopefully Joel will be along soon to clarify matters. "

Noticed after his initial contact, he doesn't seem to have been on since and maybe that's not a bad thing..I'd be happier if he was sorting out all the errors and producing a decent magazine rather than apologising to us lot, who to be frank have sometimes nothing better to do than be picky....! (And yes it is annoying but nobody died)
From what I understand from speaking to a past Editor, it is produced on a [s]bass[/s]shoe string.

Doubtless the offending Mike Lull review will be along next month...... ;)

You can buy a lot of food for the price of this shoddy magazine. It's not being picky, it's about getting the magazine you deserve for the money you shell out. You'll notice there is never a mistake with the cover price and subscription pages, except they often forget to send people their 'free' goodies according to other threads.

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[quote name='silddx' timestamp='1358437343' post='1939145']
You can buy a lot of food for the price of this shoddy magazine. It's not being picky, it's about getting the magazine you deserve for the money you shell out. You'll notice there is never a mistake with the cover price and subscription pages, except they often forget to send people their 'free' goodies according to other threads.

And if it is indeed £7 a pop then it should be flawless!

edit: typo!! :lol:

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I think you'll find most people here are critical because they'd like the magazine to be good and something they were proud to read.

I doubt whether anyone would accept a similar lack of professionalism from the band they play with so why should a magazine aimed at us as readers be any less exempt?

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[quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1358437607' post='1939153']
I think you'll find most people here are critical because they'd like the magazine to be good and something they were proud to read.

I doubt whether anyone would accept a similar lack of professionalism from the band they play with so why should a magazine aimed at us as readers be any less exempt?

Quite. I have no idea why so many people make excuses for them. probably the same people who don't mind a bit of horsemeat :D

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They were asking for trouble really. Creating a magazine for bass fan boys who love nothing more than correcting other bass player's bass knowledge and hours of staring at tiny details on spec sheets. They were always going to be faced with pedantry of this kind regarding the magazine!

Edited by skej21
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[quote name='skej21' timestamp='1358437982' post='1939159']
They were asking for trouble really. Creating a magazine for bass fan boys who love nothing more than correcting other bass player's bass knowledge and hours of staring at tiny details on spec sheets. They were always going to be faced with pedantry of this kind regarding the magazine!

Are you being serious?

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I don't call bad grammar and bad spelling pedantry. They set themselves up to be professional writers, yet their standard is strictly amateur.

If their standard of journalism is so low, what does that say about the standard of professionalism in their reviews?

I don't have a problem when the chap who services my car spells things wrongly on the bill. He doesn't set himself up to be a writer. These guys do - and fail consistently.

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[quote name='skej21' timestamp='1358437982' post='1939159']
They were asking for trouble really. Creating a magazine for bass fan boys who love nothing more than correcting other bass player's bass knowledge and hours of staring at tiny details on spec sheets. They were always going to be faced with pedantry of this kind regarding the magazine!

But the technical design and layout mistakes are simple and quick to fix, if someone who knows what they are doing is in charge of it.

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[quote name='Jacqueslemac' timestamp='1358344759' post='1937346']
Anyway, I've just subscribed again as their introductory offer is so good. Let's see how it goes.

Me too. First issue, first thing I noticed (as I hurridly flicked through it before going out to lunch) was the duplicate Fender review. Although I was mostly interested in the bit on Beller, so all's well. Although he does play Lull's basses, so I doubt he'd be too happy about this issue either... :D

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[quote name='yorks5stringer' timestamp='1358439902' post='1939211']
I think the £6.99 might refer to the digital edition..the print one is £425...... :P[/quote]

Maybe that's their way forward? - with a free bass selotaped to the cover instead of a free [s]coaster[/s] CD.

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