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Sweet! no-one's taken ChrisB yet :D

I've only been playing bass for a couple of years so I'm still prone to asking dumb questions and leaping to ridiculous conclusions. My gear isn't what you'd call exotic - I have an old Yamaha BBG4 and a Peavey TNT 115 combo which I bought secondhand from a guy at work. It's not exactly my dream rig but hey, the price was right, you know how it is....

I've been playing in an indie band based in Milton Keynes called Instant Social Conversion since March. It's the first band I've been in and we're still very much in the process of getting our sh*t sorted but it's coming together pretty nicely. We had our first gig last Friday which went down really well. It was also my first time playing live so I'm still pretty stoked about it \o/



Hi Chris and welcome to BC :)

There are loads of great people on bass chat who have tons of bass playing expeeriance that we can all draw on.
Everyone is here to help each other out :)
Never feel affraid to ask questions , Thats how we all learn new stuff.

looking forward to seeing you in the threads :)


Welcome Chris,

There's nothing wrong with cheap stuff, especially on here, after all, if it plays good and sounds good, who gives a cr*p what it costs. Glad to hear you're already out gigging, it's a big step in what will hopefully be a long and exciting journey into the land of the lows. (Maaaaannn that was one cheesy sentence).



Damn! ChrisB has been taken! Aaaaarrrrrrggghhh.

Welcome to BC, Chris!
Just ask your stupid questions. I'll be there to give you stupid answers. Then just remember to translate everything to the opposite, and you'll be fine.

All the best,


Welcome Chris!

Northampton bass players are the best around ;)

You may be a relatively new player, but being a member here will give you a big headstart!

Your current bass and amp might not be on the most expensive end of the spectrum but they're both solid and awesome sounding bits of kit that will look after you for many years!

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