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Hardest thing i've ever had to do on bass


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check this little beauty i got handed in the studio yesterday especially the unison riff for the intro am i being a wuss or is this genuinely quite hard i have the intro written out on a pdf if anyone's interested excuse the names and stuff its still a work in progress and as of yet hasn't got a title


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Aw man, for a magical moment I thought you'd read the thread on pick playing and decided to try my [i]drag your dick on the strings [/i]technique - in which case, this was the best thread ever, with a title which worked on all levels!

However, containing my disappointment, I thought it was a great little riff! I'll be honest, for me, that would have gone in the "tricky" pile - kinda tough, but sounding really fun :)

Nice work Chris :)

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Well, the joy of recording... you wouldn't know it took 20 takes! Are you expecting to play it live, too? That's always my concern when we demo something, [i]"Ok, I've got it now... can I do it after four pints and in front of punters?"[/i]

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Other than just songs I've fancied covering I'd have to say this


It's just really unusual patterns for me and tuning. No bass track yet though, still in the process of learning it

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Sorry to be a dissenter, but I'd get someone to sequence it.
I could do it [i]very[/i] eventually, but I fear couldn'tbebothereditis would cut in first.
Maybe I'm just too old, or care too little, but the whole thing already sounds over-processed to my ears.
What would a "live" bass sound contribute to that that a synthetic one wouldn't?

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Great work, given somewhat a challenge and rising to the occasion is what makes us better each time and you've certainly succeeded, sounds great.
[attachment=113529:01 - Seventh Heaven.mp3]
Reminds me of this track recorded live by The Fellowship with Seth Govan on bass. When I see him play it either makes me want to get on and practice or stick my gear on ebay.

oh dear, ignore that file; how do you attach music?

Edited by 4 Strings
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I used to play the flute (well, I guess I still do but I don't play regularly anymore). When I was a teenager, I played in a big band and for one gig we were doing a suite of music written specially for the band. In one of the pieces, there was a really tricky two bar passage in the flute part. When he was handing out the music, the composer spoke to me and said "yeah, look out for this part, its quite tricky, but I showed it to one of the flautists in the RSNO* and she said it was just about playable..." :lol: :lol:

Needless to say it took me a few attempts to get even close to nailing it...

*Royal Scottish National Orchestra

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cool thanks guys if you would like me to email you the transcription i have of it then feel free to give me a pm with your email adress in and i'll email it over to you. Havent got the hang on attaching stuff to posts yet also i should have the final mix of it soon so i'l post it up when i get it

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